[Lapg] S C Permaculture Guild Sept/Oct 2005 Newsletter
Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson
lakinroe at silcom.com
Mon Sep 5 10:45:11 PDT 2005
South Coast Permaculture Guild Sept/Oct 2005 Newsletter
Please send listings and events for next email news to lakinroe at silcom.com
South Coast Permaculture Guild Contacts and other Organizations of Interest.
South Coast Permaculture Guild Margie Bushman sbpcnet at silcom.com
805-962-2571 www.sbpermaculture.org
Santa Barbara Permaculture Network: Margie Bushman sbpcnet at silcom.com
805-962-2571 www.sbpermaculture.org
Ojai Permaculture Guild: Dave White david at ojaicra.org 805-646-9809
Central Coast Permaculture Guild: Rob Kimmel zigge at kcbx.net 805-438-5745
San Luis Obispo
San Diego Permaculture Center: San Diego Economic Conversion Council
sdecc at igc.org (619) 298-8879
Santa Cruz Permaculture Vince Pastori 831/763-3848 permasc at sasquatch.com
Cal Poly Student Farm in SLO:The SARC (Sustainable Ag Resource Center)
805-756-5086 Hunter Francis wfrancis at calpoly.edu San Luis Obispo
Path to Freedom ,Pasadena Ms. Anais Dervaes dervaes at pathtofreedom.com
LA Permaculture Guild Joan 323-630-4673 joaniebird007 at yahoo.com and Camille
camicimino at yahoo.com
Southern East Sierra: Tom Drummond 760-377-5011 Ridgecrest
Pc Institute of Southern Cal: Bill Roley DrRoley at cox.net 949-494-5843
Laguna Beach
Santoyo&Associates santoyo at earthflow.com 800-469-5857
LA EcoVillage: Lois Arkin crsp at igc.org 213/738-1254
Permaculture Institute of Northern California
info at permacultureinstitute.com 415-663-9090
Permaculture Activist Magazine Website <http://www.permacultureactivist.net>
Permacultura http://www.tortuga.com/permacultura/
PERMACULTURE CREDIT UNION http://www.pcuonline.org
Hopedance Magazine www.hopedance.org The Permaculture and Natural Building
Calendar Printed issue list our Courses please subscribe to support the
Ongoing Permaculture Monthly Discussion Group/to Cover Permaculture
Principles and Practices in Santa Barbara CA
For more info and directions and location contact Margie Bushman
805-962-2571 or sbpcnet at silcom.com, www.sbpermaculture.org
September & January session of the Regenerative Design & Nature Awareness
(RDNA) Training Program
We can still accept registrations for our September ’05 term and we are
ready for your applications now for the January ’06 term of this advanced
year-long hands-on training. The course is devoted to helping students
develop skills necessary to further sustainable & regenerative practices in
their personal and professional lives. Students meet 2 full days per week;
the full course lasts one year (3 trimesters).
Regenerative Design Institute Permaculture Institute of Northern California
(415) 663-9090 info at permacultureinstitute.com
Sept 5-17 Permaculture for Third World & Indigenous Peoples and Diverse
Cultural Groups
Part 1: Working in Other Cultures September 5-8, 2005 Part 2 Pc for
Overseas Development Projects September 12-17
TUTOR: Robyn Francis and guests COST: $475 includes tuition,lunches &
refreshments Registration fee for both courses: $725
Djanbung Gardens PEC Permaculture Education & ERDA Institute Trust
PO Box 379 Nimbin NSW 2480 Australia www.permaculture.com.au
Contact: Robyn Francis PH 02-6689 1755 Mob 0429 147 138
robyn at permaculture.com.au
Sept. 9-11 th Annual Northwest Permaculture Conference and Bioregional
Gathering Eugene.OREGON
$70 at the event / $60 by pre-registration Fri. free; $40 Saturday; $30
Sundaywork trade available - meals included in registration fee
For more info call Jan at (541) 686-6761 by email at spencerj at efn.org
Sept 9-11, 16-18 Oct 21-23, 28-30, Nov 11-13, 19-21, 2005, Urban
Permaculture Design Course, Alameda Point Collaborative Community. CA Weekends
with Christopher Shein, Kat Steele, Nik Bertulis, Scott Horton, Babak
Tondre, Rain Geesler, Debbie Collins and many more local guest presenters...
Fee: $700-$900 (Sliding Scale) Contact: (510) 547-7889 www.apcollaborative.org
Sept 11 2-6pm Intro to Permaculture Workshop at Snail Haven Farm and
Sanctuary, Dehesa, Eatern San Diego County CA
Taught by Jane Higginson ($35),
6 PM - 7:30 PM -- Remembrance Day Peace Vigil (FREE), and Evening
Refreshment (please bring), with guest speaker Marcia Boruta, Director of
San Diego Economic Conversion Council/Permaculture Center: "Permaculture
for Peace":
Permaculture. For more information, directions, and enrollment, contact us
at (619) 390-0717 or janehigginson at earthlink.net
Sept. 18, 2005 Elfin Permaculture's 10th annual Permaculture Design Course
The certificate course runs six months Contact BarkingFrogsPC at aol.com
September 19th - October lst, 2005 .PDC Melbourne University, Australia
It was asked "What will they teach?"... they answered &. "We will labour to
teach them to 'paint new landscapes on the clouds of tomorrow's skies.'
Ph: 61 (0)3 6445 0945 Fax: 61 (0)3 6445 0944 Email: sales at tagari.com.au
September 17-29, 2005 The Call of the Hummingbird Bioregional, Alto
Paraiso, Chapada dos Veadeiros, Brazil
Contact www.ochamado.org
September 18th Sunday from 10 am to 6 pm. 5th annual California Organic
Festival Alameda and Alice Keck Park SB CA
New, larger and incredibly lovely venue: the city's crown jewel of parks,
Alice Keck Park Park, with Micheltorena
Street blocked off, as well as the adjacent Kid's World Park section of
Alameda Park.
The Pesticide Awareness and Alternatives Coalition (PAAC)
September 19-23, 2005, Permaculture Integral: Returning the Surplus Real
Goods Solar Living Center, Hopland, CA
with Benjamin Fahrer, Erik Olson and Kat Steele
Fee: $480 or $99 a day Contact: (707) 744-2017
SEPT 20 Sun 25 Design for Sustainable Community’ at Sahale, Olympic
Peninsula, WA
Robina McCurdy Permaculture Teacher NZ
Selma Ruth Email : selmaruth at hotmail.com Cell
Phone: 510.759.4607 www.greenworld-earthcare.org
September 24-25 Permaculture and the Ancient Forest Opal Creek Ancient
Forest Center Washington
Join us and instructor Marisha Auerbach for a weekend in the forest.
Participants will depart from this workshop with a greater understanding of
how natural systems like the ancient forest can provide sustainable
solutions applicable to urban and rural areas.
For more information or to register, check out the Opal Creek website at
September 26-30 Cob Building Intensive Workshop Orella Ranch in Gaviota $675
This introduction to cob building workshop will teach you how to prospect
and test for appropriate building sediment, how to mix co, various cob wall
building techniques, the installation of windows into cob walls, methods
for attachment of wood (e.g. doors, roofs), and how to sculpt niches,
shelves and furniture.
Call: 707.744.2017 to reserve your spot! www.solarliving.org
September 24- October 7 Permaculture Design Occidental CA
OAEC: 15290 Coleman Valley Rd, Occidental, CA 95465
(707) 874-1557 x201 . inquiry at oaec.org http://www.oaec.org/OAEC_Courses.html
Oct 1 & 2, 15 & 16, 29 & 30, and Nov 12 & 13 Permaculture Design Course,
Phoenix, AZ
Cost $650, $600 for early registration
For more information contact Don Titmus, 480-962-6353 FDPC at 4dirs.com
Oct Tentative Booksign Tour/Talk Author David Theoropulous of "Invasion
Biology: A critique of a pseudoscience." S.CA
Owner of J.L Hudson, seedsman the largest public access seed back in the
US. Check out his website http://dtheo.org/
Contact Camille camcim at yahoo.com> for dates in LA ,Ojai and SB or to help
with setting up dates
OCT 6- 9 Thurs - Sun Permaculture for Sustainable Society Arcata CA Robina
McCurdy Permaculture Teacher NZ
Workshop series, at Campus Center for Appropriate Technology, Humboldt
State University, Arcata, CA
Jeff Adams Email: jma50 at humboldt.eduWebsite: www.humboldt.edu/~ccat
Oct 4 - Oct 12. Mark Lakeman of City Repair Tentative Speaking Tour in
Southern Ca (SLO,SB,LA) ????
Join visionary architect Mark Lakeman as he inspires and guides the grid
structure of a typical American city into a vital social commons with
Portland's City Repair Project (www.cityrepair.org). Now a national
movement, City Repair is about cities, towns, grids and the intersections
where our lives can converge. Multidisciplinary, City Repair combines
architecture, urban planning, anthropology, community development, public
art, permaculture and ecological design in projects that transform public
Contact for dates and info LA Camille camcim at yahoo.com>, SB
sbpcnet at silcom.com,SLO hopedance at aol.com
Oct 5-19, 2005, Permaculture Design Course, Kalimpong, India
with Rico Zook and Kat Steele and local teachers
Fee: $450-650 (sliding scale) Airfare to India not included Contact: (505)
October 9-16, Basics of Building with COB, Cuyama Learning Center in the
Santa Barbara Backcountry
Betty Seaman from the Cob Cottage Company and co-founder of Spirit Pine Ranch
$760 (This basic fee includes tuition, materials, three vegetarian meals
daily and camping. Discounts apply for early registration
Cob Cottage Company, Box 123, Cottage Grove, OR 97424, Phone (541)
942-2005, FAX (541) 942-3021. The best time to call is Tuesday, Thursday,
or Friday between 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM www.cobcottage.com
October 14, 2005 Friday noon to 6pm 20th Anniversary of the San Diego
Economic Conversion Council
University of San Diego Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice.
Contact sdecc at igc.org or call (619) 255-6111.for more details
October 22nd - November 4th Kerrmaculture III PDC Quiet Valley Ranch, Texas
Hill Country.
The course is intended to finalize a master plan for the Ranch, addressing
edible landscapes, green building, erosion control, water catchment and
waste management. Cost : $900, $800 by October 10th
Kirby Fry 512-663-9538 ,Rick Wright 830-377-3253 kerrmaculture at yahoo.com
October 31 November 12. FALL PERMACULTURE COURSE High Falls NY
Instructor Geoff Lawton (www.permaculture.org.au) $950 plus accommodation
and food. Deposit $200
Check to:Hancock Permaculture Center 372 West Front Street Hancock NY 13783
917-771-9382 greenman124 at yahoo.com www.hancockpermaculture.org
November 2005. Mesoamerican Convergence on Sustainable Development Lago de
Atitlan, Guatemala
Permacultura America Latina (PAL) and the Institute for Mesoamerican
Permaculture (IMAP) plan to host an eight-day convergence with the
participation of forty Mesoamerican grassroots organizations from eight
For more information please email pal at permacultura.org or call 505-989-1695
in Santa Fe.NM http://www.permacultura.org/
November 11-20, 2005 Advanced Permaculture Design Workshop Hacienda Santa
Barbara Chapultapec, Huamantla, México
Join a small, select group of permaculturists for ten days in central
highlands Mexico for an advanced design workshop creating a permaculture
plan for renovation of a 16th century hacienda to become a small, rustic
eco-inn. The pre-requisite for this workshop is completion of a
Permaculture Design Certification Course. Participants will get invaluable
experience working on a medium to large-scale, real-time, real-site project
designing permaculture systems to support the inn and a small school for
the village and surrounding area to be included in the complex.10-day
workshop $900 double occupancy room, three meals a day,
For more information, contact Scott Horton at (951) 659-5362 or
LaSemillaBesada at hotmail.com
November 17, 2005 - May 17, 2006-MONTH SUSTAINABLE LIVING INTERNSHIP: Near
Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand
An in-depth immersion in communal living, organic gardening, seed-saving,
natural building, other sustainable living techniques, and full
participation at a public demonstration living and learning center. This
internship is only available to 4 people,
Contact Pun Pun contact Peggy Reents at parents at yahoo.com.
Nov 16-26, 2005, Permaculture Design Course, Sikkum, India
with Rico Zook and Kat Steele and local teachers
Fee: $450-650 (sliding scale) Airfare to India not included Contact: (505)
November 27 - December 11 13th annual Permaculture Design Course Lost
Valley, Oregon
Instructed by Rick Valley, Jude Hobbs, & Marisha Auerbach
For More Information, or to register, call: (541)937-3351, ext.112 or
Indigenous Permaculture, or Cosmovision, www.indigenous-permaculture.org
is a way of thinking and living by following the original instructions we
were given to live in balance with the world. These teachings assist people
in achieving a symbiotic sustainable life within their environment by
utilizing indigenous agricultural practices.
Indigenous Permaculture is not new, it is wisdom from the past that tells
us how to follow our original instructions from the Creator. By doing this
we ensure our existence and a future for generations.
Indigenous Permaculture 3288 21st Street, #192 San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 552-5448
DATES: One weekend a month for six months... SECOND WEEKENDS OF:OCTOBER,
PART ONE October 8 & 9 and November 12-13 2005 Fire, Water, Earth & Air...
New Ecology and Indicators of Sustainability:
PART TWO December 10 & 11 2005 and January 14 & 15 2006 Food, Water,
Shelter & Energy... Earth-Friendly Techniques:
PART THREE February 11 & 12 and March 11 & 12 2006 Creating Community...
Eco-Urbanism and Eco-Economics:
LARRY SANTOYO, Director, EarthFlow Design Works & The Center of Natural Design.
With very special guest instructors including:TOBY HEMENWAY, Author, Gaia's
Garden, SCOTT PITTMAN, Director, The Permaculture Institute,
TUITION COSTS $90.00 per day, $175.00 per weekend, $950.00 for all six weekends
Materials and other fees may apply.Some payment plans and work-trade
scholarships still available.
For loan info contact the Permaculture Credit Union http://www.pcuonline.org/
TO REGISTER & FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: <permaculture at earthflow.com>
In cooperation with: The Terra Foundation & The Center of Natural Design,
Materials & Applications,
Greening Development and Consulting, EcoHome, The Green Building Resource
Center -Global Green USA & the City of Santa Monica, HopeDance Media, Santa
Barbara Permaculture Network, The Los Angeles Permaculture Guild, The
Permaculture Institute, PatternLiteracy.com, FoodForestry, Guyayaki, Nutiva
Hemp Products, Fountainhead, EarthFlow Design Works,Sustainable World Radio
May 2007 International Permaculture Convergence, Conference Brazil
More info. and Website as details get organized, You will need to have a
PDC to attend the Convergence
We are very pleased to announce that the new Online Communities
Directory website is now open to the public!
The Directory is a free searchable database of intentional
communities. You can browse through our alphabetical community
list or search for communities based on location, keyword, and
various aspects of community living that are important to
community seekers.
Loans immediately available to members from any state
Join the only Credit Union that is based on Permaculture Principles and
Ethics. Signature loans for amounts up to $5,000 at competitive rates and
shared-secured loans at even cheaper rates up to $100,000 are available
immediately to members. Anyone who has taken a Permaculture course, is a
member of an affiliated Permaculture Institute, or believes in the
Permaculture ethics is eligible to become a member for $5 membership fee
plus a $50 share deposit.
Teachers/Organizers we can help you by offering credit-worthy students the
ability to borrow money to pay for Permaculture courses. Contact the PCU to
inquire about these and other loan programs.
. Also the PCU is making loans on mortgages, rainwater catchment, home
energy efficiency systems, solar heating and electricity systems,
landscape, and car loans. We offer a 0.75 % discount on loans for earth
friendly projects and Earth friendly car discounts: two types are
available, .75% for vehicles with 35mpg or higher average and 1.5% for
vehicles with 45mpg or higher average(which is usually the hybrid cars).
Please call us at 505 954 3479, toll free 1-866-954-3479 or FAX 505 424
1624. Visit us online at www.pcuonline.org, email perma at pcuonline.org, or
write to us.
Permaculture Credit Union
4250 Cerrillos Road
PO Box 29300
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87592-9300
LISTSERVES of South Coast Permaculture Guild of Southern CA
To get Up to Date Permaculture Ongoing Announcements for courses , events
and posting of articles of interest try subscribing to our local
Permaculture Listserves ccpg serves San Lois Obispo ,scpg serves Santa
Barbara down and including Los Angeles, and sdpg serves San Diego area.
Below are the instructions how to sign up
thanks to John Howe for setting them up
this works the same for each separate list:
central coast list(ccpg at arashi.com), south coast(scpg at arashi.com), and the
san diego
list (sdpg at arashi.com)
TO SUBSCRIBE to this mailing listserve
Basically, the info is more web based now so log on the each website you
want to subscribe to
South Coast Permaculture Ca Guild subscription
SanDiego Permaculture G subsciption
CentralCoast Ca Permaculture G subscription
REMINDER ONCE you are signed onto one or all of the listserves type in
sdpg at arashi.com or ccpg at arashi.com, or scpg at arashi.com to post a message to
the listserve
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