[Lapg] Permaculture Design Course Orcas Island, Washington July 18 - August 7

Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson lakinroe at silcom.com
Wed May 25 05:31:36 PDT 2005

Permaculture Design Course Orcas Island, Washington

Dates: July 18 - August 7
Location: Bullock's Farm, Orcas Island, Washington
Desciption: A three-week certificate design course on the Bullock's 25 year 
old permaculture homestead. Approximately 144 hours of classroom and 
hands-on education. The course will incorporate; design methodologies, 
observation skills, whole systems design, annual and perennial foods, 
energy/water/waste management, appropriate construction, plant propagation 
and culture, outdoor mushroom cultivation, herbs and natural fiber use.
Instructors: Douglas Bullock, John Valenzuela, Toby Hemenway, Sam Bullock, 
Fungi Perfecti.
Cost: $1,500 ($1400 paid by June 1st). A $250 non-refundable deposit is 
required for registration
Contact: Samuel Bullock, PO Box 107 Deer Harbor Wa. 98243
permaculture.sam at gmail.com
bullock_orcas at hotmail.com

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