[Ccpg] Jan 20 Early Bird Discount Deadline/Seed School Workshop with Bill McDorman of Native Seed/SEARCH

Wesley Roe and Santa Barbara Permaculture Network lakinroe at silcom.com
Thu Jan 19 06:05:41 PST 2012

/Santa Barbara Permaculture Network & Fairview Gardens Present:
/ []
Seed School Workshop
with Bill McDorman of Native Seed/SEARCH
Saturday, January 28 , 9am-4:00pm, 2012
*Early Bird by January 20th -- **Early Bird Cost $85*, after January 
20th -- $110.
  Center for Urban Agriculture at Fairview Gardens

/People everywhere are beginning to recognize the crucial link between 
  the crops that sustain us, and embattled seeds.
We are on the cusp of a seed saving renaissance -an not a moment too soon.

     Join Bill McDorman on Saturday, January 28th, at the Center for 
Urban Agriculture at Fairview Gardens for a day-long immersion into the 
magic world of seeds as he teaches the Seed School Workshop  .

    Seed saving is fun, satisfying and life affirming. You don't need a 
PhD in genetics and EVERYONE, everywhere can start the seed saving 
adventure with little or no experience. First you'll need some 
inspiration. Bill McDorman, Executive Director of Native Seeds/SEARCH in 
Tucson will provide that. Secondly you'll need some basic information 
and practice.

     The Seed School Workshop is an introductory workshop for anyone 
interested in the history of seeds and how to create a self-sufficient 
garden from your own seeds. This is great training class for gardeners, 
non-profits, policy makers and farmers. Those concerned with food 
security, diversity and better tasting food will revel in the 
opportunity to celebrate and learn about the magic of seeds. Seed School 
teaches the practical, information necessary to recreate the genetic 
foundation for a truly sustainable agriculture.

     SEED SCHOOL TOPICS WILL INCLUDE: . Structure and History of the 
Seed Industry . The Magic of Seeds . Intro to Mendel's Genetics . 
Selection and Evaluation . Pollination . Breeding . Harvesting . 
Germination . Wild Seed -- Production, Collection, Cleaning . Seed 
Exchanges, Libraries, Businesses

     Seed Saving is an ancient tradition with a lineage stretching back 
12,000 years. But in less than a century's time, this once fundamental  
part of the human experience has largely disappeared. The transition 
from rural agrarianism to urbanization has led to increasingly fewer 
people growing and interacting with seeds*

    Bill McDorman is executive director of Native Seed/SEARCH 
http://www.nativeseeds.org/ a 28 year old Southwestern seed conservation 
organization based in tucson AZ. He is the founder of three seed 
companies, including Seed Trust http://www.seedstrust.com and author of 
Basic Seed Saving. He has been teaching classes in wild, edible and 
medicinal plants and seed saving for more than 30 years.

     The Seed School Workshop takes place on Saturday, January 28, 9am - 
4:00pm,   at the Center for Urban Agriculture at Fairview Gardens
Cost Early Bird by January 20th -- Early Bird Cost $85, after January 
20th -- $110

To sign up for  workshop 
More info; (805) 967-7369  Sharon Tollefson sharon at fairviewgardens.org 
<mailto:sharon at fairviewgardens.org>

The program is sponsored by Santa Barbara Permaculture Network as 
community service
hosted by the Center for Urban Agriculture at Fairview Gardens


More Info:

*Going to Seed Evening Talk
*Bill McDorman of Native Seed/SEARCH
Keynote Lecture for 4th Annual Seed Swap
*Friday, January 27 *, 7pm-9:30pm, 2012 Donation $5
Santa Barbara Downtown Public Library Faulkner Gallery
40 E Anapamu St Santa Barbara. CA 93101

*4th Annual Seed Swap
Sunday Jan 29* 11-3pm
Santa Barbara Downtown Public Library Faulkner Gallery
40 E Anapamu St Santa Barbara. CA 93101
www.sbpermaculture.org <http://www.sbpermaculture.org>

* Quotes from Recent Article
Sowing Revolution Seed Libraries Offer Hope for Freedom of Food by Bill 
McDorman and Stephen Thomas Acres USA January 2012 www.acresusa.com 

    /To restore our freedom over food, it is essential that every
    community have assess to a collectively owned treasure chest of
    seeds. Seed Libraries represent our best hope for reclaiming this
    independence. As an added benefit they boost regional biodiversity
    by encouraging the cultivation of new crop varieties adapted to
    local conditions. With global temperatures on the rise and financial
    markets plummeting , a robust network of community foodsheds to
    replace the shaky monolith of industrial agriculture has become
    imperative for human survival.


Santa Babara Permaculture Network Logo
(805) 962-2571
*P.O. Box 92156, Santa Barbara, CA 93190
**/margie at sbpermaculture.org
/*_ www.sbpermaculture.org

<http://www.sbpermaculture.org/>_P lPlease consider the environment 
before printing this email.

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