[Ccpg] newsletter Friends of the Trees Society - News! & Events!
Friends of the Trees
michael at friendsofthetrees.net
Mon Jan 7 12:35:53 PST 2008
January 2008 Newsletter
February 16 - March 2, 2008
Sahale Retreat Center, near Belfair, WA (in the south Puget Sound
A two-week, immersion course:
"Creating sustainable food systems for the Pacific Northwest at the
individual, neighborhood and city level".
Instructors are Michael Pilarski, Laura Sweany
and many guest presenters.
The course fee is $1,095.
click for details
Looking for farming partners
Okanogan Biodiversity Farm.
I am starting a new farm and farming co-operative in the Okanogan
Valley in north-central Washington on 75 acres (30 acres acres
irrigated and 45 acres of wild mountainside). My plan is to start
planting this April. I looking for partners in this venture. The
Biodiversity Farming Co-operative (or whatever name is chosen) is
worker-owned and managed. Co-op members work together to grow a wide
diversity of edible, medicinal and useful trees, shrubs, vines,
perennials and annuals. A Noah's ark of plants. The co-op produces and
markets food, medicinal plants, nursery stock, seeds and other crops.
The farming methods utilize permaculture design and
ecologically-sustainable methods. A goal is to help feed people in the
Okanogan and provide expertise and plant material to diversify and
strengthen Okanogan agriculture. The co-op will work towards
establishing an Okanogan Biodiversity Farm (or whatever name is
chosen). The farm is an educational center to inspire and a place for
co-operative members to live. More details are on on my website.
Contact me if this sounds exciting and you're able to move.
Proposal for a worker owned farming cooperative
2008 Farming Internships - Four Opportunites
Okanogan Valley, North-central Washington.
The intern(s) would work with Michael Pilarski and others to establish
the Okanogan Biodiversity Farm. The internship also includes
wildcrafting medicinal plants, shipping fresh herbs, herb processing
and drying. Prior farming experience required.
Contact Michael Pilarski: friendsofthetrees at yahoo.com
Hood River, Oregon, Columbia Gorge.
The intern(s) would work with Aera Sprecht and others to maintain the
Riversong Farm medicinal herb garden. Michael Pilarski is around
occasionally to help manage the planting. The intern would live and
participate in gardening at Rahane, a permaculture community
overlooking Mt. Hood, near Riversong Farm.
Contact Michael at friendsofthetrees at yahoo.com
Frenchman Hills, Columbia Basin, Central Washington.
The intern(s) would work with Jim Baird and others to develop the
ecofarm. Major work in 2008 includes building a straw-bale, community
center, planting trees and farming. Cloud View Ecofarm has a large
land base to work with - irrigated farmland and sagebrush wild land.
Michael Pilarski is involved as a permaculture consultant. The Ecofarm
is seeking long-term members as well as interns.
Applicants contact Jim Baird: jimmbaird at aol.com
Hood River, Oregon, Columbia Gorge.
The intern(s) would work with residents of Riversong Farm, a small
intentional community and retreat center. Interns camp out in a
beautiful, oak forest on the banks of Hood River. Communal kitchen.
The main work is helping on their vegetable farm, community projects
and in the medicinal herb garden. Applicants contact Iniyat at
oneness at gorge.net
Internship Opportunities
Michael Pilarski's 2008 teaching schedule
February 16- March 2
Northwest Permaculture Design Course, Sahale Retreat Center (northwest
of Olympia, WA)
March 29-30
Workshop. Plant Propagation and Medicinal Root Harvest. Hood River,
April 5-6
Workshop: Edible forest gardens, windbreaks and hedgerows: Design and
establishment. Cloud View Ecofarm, near Ephrata, WA
July 5-6
Wildcrafting workshop, near Tonasket, WA
July 19-21
3-day Herbal Medicine Field Trip in the Methow Valley for Bastyr
July 26-27
3-day Herbal Medicine Field Trip at Riversong Farm, Hood River, for
the National College of Naturopathic Medicine
August 1-3
Montana Herb Gathering, Bozeman. www.montanaherbgathering.org
August 9-11
3-day Herbal Medicine Field Trip in the Methow Valley for Bastyr
September 27-28
Workshop: Seed collecting & processing and medicinal root harvest
Hood River, OR
2008 Teaching Schedule http://www.friendsofthetrees.net/events.htm
Spring Plant Sale
April 12, 2008 - Tonasket, WA
April 19, 2008 - Twisp, WA
My first tree sale was in 1978. My last tree sale was in 2006. Over
the years we have distributed 175,000 trees and shrubs. I will be
having a small plant sale in 2008. I am buying about 2,000 bareroot
trees and shrubs this year; mainly wild fruits, hedgerow and windbreak
species and will want to sell some of them. About half will go into my
own planting. I will also be digging up lots of herb and berry starts
from my Hood River planting including about 2,000 Autumn Britt
raspberry plants. The plant sale catalog will be posted online soon.
Tree & Plant Sale - Spring 2008
Center for Outdoor Herbal Education
The Center for Outdoor Herbal Education (COHE) is a new program which
Michael Pilarski is establishing in cooperation with Riversong Farm,
Rahane community and herbalists: Glen Nagel, Joy Olson, Camilla Bishop
and Krista Thie. My Hood River herb farm will be a campus for COHE.
The herb planting at Riversong Farm was planted in 2006 and expanded
in 2007. The Okanogan Biodiversity Farm will eventually be a northern
campus. COHE'S 2008 workshop schedule will eventually be posted on the
www.friendsofthetrees.net http://www.friendsofthetrees.net
Friends of the Trees Botanicals
Our revenues from sale of fresh and dry herbs, tinctures and seeds was
slightly down in 2007 but is still Friends of the Trees Society's
largest source of income. From our Hood River farm and wildcrafting,
we shipped 1,150 pounds of fresh botanicals (leaves, aerial plants,
roots, rhizomes, rootbark, buds, berries and flowers; in addition, we
sold 575 pounds of dried botanicals; and collected 23.5 pounds of
seeds from 30 species of medicinal plants - many millions of seeds. As
of 1/1/2008 we have 540 pounds of dried botanicals (from 43 species)
in stock. All this work was done by Michael Pilarski with the able
assistance of Aera Sprecht, Angela Levan and Ashley Kehl.
Check online for the following catalogs:
* Dried Medicinals in Stock: as of 1/1/2008.
* Seeds in Stock: as of 1/1/2008.
* 2008 Fresh and Dried Botanicals Pricelist.
* Spring 2008 Plant Sale: Species and Prices.
These should all be posted during early January.
Dried Herbs and Seeds http://www.friendsofthetrees.net/herbs.htm
Fairy News!
The 8th Fairy & Human Relations Congress will be held June 27-29 at
the Skalitude Retreat Center in the Methow Valley, WA
Sometime in 2008, Volume I of "The Collected Fairy Manuscripts of
Daphne Charters" will be published by RJ Stewart Books. Forty Years
With the Fairies by Daphne Charters. This is a major accomplishment
for me since I have been working on this since 1992. There will be two
more volumes.
P.S. If you are interested in esoteric channelings on upcoming world
changes then email me and request my article: Ascension: What are they
talking about?
8th Annual Fairy & Human Relations Congress
Montana Barter Fair
September 19-21, 2008
The Montana barter fair which I helped start in 2007 was successful.
The gathering's final title was the "Big Sky Country Harvest
Festival". 500 people attended on September 28-30 near Hot Springs,
Montana in spite of inclement weather. The 2008 Festival will be held
September 19-21 at the same site and we expect it to grow
substantially. You're all invited!
Information will be posted on the website soon
www.friendsofthetrees.net http://www.friendsofthetrees.net
Help with Web Site Needed!
Friends of the Trees Society could use your help. We have more
information to add to our website, but we need help.
Friends of the Trees
PO Box 253
Twisp, WA 98856
friendsofthetrees at yahoo.com
Forward this email to friends, associates or list-serves who you feel
would be
Thank you!
Contact Michael mailto:friendsofthetrees at yahoo.com
I just finished a major article which I am especially trying to get
out to people working on local food security and hunger issues.
Part I discusses some of the food crises facing the general public and
food at-risk populations in the US.
Part II lists some of the popular movements arising out of the public
to address the food crisis. There is contact info for 77 resources and
Part III briefly introduces permaculture and lists 18 practical
techniques. Includes links to 40 resources.
Articles http://www.friendsofthetrees.net/articles.htm
Fairy & Human Relations Congress - Skalitude Retreat Center, POB 74 -
Carlton - WA - 98114
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