[Ccpg] Looking for someone to build an earthbag wall in Santa Cruz

Santa Barbara Permaculture Network sbpcnet at silcom.com
Sat Mar 13 19:38:50 PST 2004

Are you aware of any contractors in the Santa Cruz, Ca. area that have
experience in earthbag construction? I have no experience and very little time
to attempt this myself. Any leads would be appreciated.

On 3/12/04 6:06 PM, "Kelly Hart" <kellyhart at greenhomebuilding.com> wrote:
> barbara, 
> Earthbags work very well for landscape retaining walls, and can be filled
> with virtually any kind of native soil. The bags do have to be plastered
> something to keep the sunlight for destroying them.
> Kelly
> question: Can earthbag construction be used for retaining walls in the
> landscape? The native soil in fairly heavy clay
> Santa Barbara Permaculture Network
> (805) 962-2571
> sbpcnet at silcom.com
> www.sbpermaculture.org
> "We are like trees, we must create new leaves, in new directions, in
order to
> grow." - Anonymous

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