[Ccpg] Health begins in the soil. amazing webpage of resourses

Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson lakinroe at silcom.com
Sat Aug 3 12:52:30 PDT 2002

hi everyone
         Below is a list of  Out of Print Books and Articles that have been 
made available for reading on line. Go to the Soil and Health Webpage below 
to read copies and excerpts  of these amazing books that have contributed 
to the many of the ideas that permeate
and also provide the hands on knowledge that works it's way in Permaculture 
Principles and Design

Health begins in the soil. 

Welcome To The
Holistic Agriculture Library

Albrecht, William A. "Loss Of Soil Organic Matter And Its Restoration". 
Soils and Men: USDA Yearbook of Agriculture.
Washington, D.C., United States Department of Agriculture, 1938.

      Each year, the practice going on for for several decades, the United 
States Department of Agriculture published a
      yearbook. This particular Yearbook of Agriculture, Soils and Men, is 
widely considered the best of the lot. And
      this article by William Albrecht may well be la crème de la crème. It 
is our hope to eventually present the entire
      yearbook online. PUBLIC DOMAIN

Albrecht, William A. Soil Fertility And Animal Health. Webster City, Iowa: 
Fred Hahne Printing Co, 1958. Reprinted by
Acres, USA as The Albrecht Papers, Vol. II, currently in print. To contact 
Acres, click here.

      If only this book could be offered online in its entirety it would be 
clear to the online reader that here is one of the
      most important books in the Soil And Health Library. As it is, 
Australian copyright law allows presentation of only
      a small portion, so the best and perhaps most famous of Albrecht's 
statements was chosen, "Chapter 8, Cows Are
      Capable Chemists." COPYRIGHTED, IN PRINT, SAMPLE ONLY.

Albrecht, William A. A collection of journal and magazine articles, 
experiment station and other government publications.

      For starters find herein what probably is Albrecht's single most 
important statement connecting soil fertility with
      animal and human health.

Balfour, Lady Eve. "Toward a Sustainable Agriculture--The Living Soil". A 
talk about the Haughley Experiment, given by Lady
Balfour at an IFOAM conference in Switzerland, 1977.

Balfour, Lady Eve. The Living Soil: London: Faber and Faber, 1948

      An organic classic. Among other things this book narrates how Lady 
Balfour organized a farm, Haughley, where
      comparative experiments were done to prove the superiority of organic 
methods. It also states the organic case as
      thoroughly and passionately and reasonably as could be done. OUT OF PRINT

Burbank, Luther. Partner of Nature. Ed. Wilbur Hall. New York: D. 
Appleton-Century Co., 1939.

      Burbank, a brilliant and self-educated plant breeder wrote 
voluminously about his work. One day more of his
      writings may be found on this site. Meanwhile, this abridgment by 
Wilbur Hall will have to suffice. Written for the
      person of good intelligence but a non-specialist; Burbank's intention 
here was to both romanticize his profession
      while inspiring the young to follow in his footsteps. OUT OF PRINT.

Cato, On Farming. A classic of farming lore and practice from the golden 
era of the Roman Empire. Scholars usually call this
book De Re Rustica (On Agriculture). A Critical English Translation by 
Andrew Dalby, author of Siren Feasts, a book on
classic Greek cuisine.

      Cato has information for everyone: on planting and maintaining olive 
groves, on supervising the staff, on making
      various loaves or gruels out of grains, on the manifold curative 
properties of cabbage, on getting good prices at
      market, and much, much more. Although modern translations exist, this 
is better: more readable, more accurate,
      more alert. The sensitive translation of this text and the 
translator's notes, and the work of putting it online were all
      cheerfully contributed to this library by Tom Jaine 
<kal69 at dial.pipex.com>, who creates a small publishing
      company called Prospect Books. We hope you will visit their website 
and perhaps purchase an in-print paper
      copy of Cato or other books whose focus is on food. Anyone interested 
in working on a project to add other
      farming classics such as Varro, Columella, Ibn al Awam's Book of 
Agriculture, Jethro Tull's Horse-Houghing
      Husbandry, etc., please contact us. WITH PERMISSION OF COPYRIGHT HOLDER.

Darwin, Charles. The Formation of Vegetable Mould through the action of 
worms with observations of their habits.
London, 1881.

      A classic in naturalist observation. A grasp of the common 
earthworm's importance is essential to a full
      understanding of soil fertility and plant health. Thanks to David 
Price, "David Price" <ccx074 at coventry.ac.uk>,
      for doing such an accurate scan of this book. Contains an interesting 
introduction by Sir Albert Howard, taken
      from a Faber & Faber edition, published about 1945. PUBLIC DOMAIN 

Dale, Tom and Veron Gill Carter. Topsoil and Civilization. Norman, 
Oklahoma, University of Oklahoma Press, 1955.

      This classic survey of world history should never have been allowed 
to fall out of print. It demonstrates how every
      civilization from Mesopotamia to Rome has destroyed its agricultural 
resource base and thus destroyed itself.The
      book also looks at modern-day Europe and the United States with 
considerable uncertainty about the
      sustainability of our own system. OUT OF PRINT

Elliot, Robert. The Clifton Park System Of Farming. London, Faber & Faber, 

      Originally published in 1898 as Agricultural Changes, this book's 
thesis was broadened by Sir Albert Howard,
      Newman Turner, Louis Bromfield, etc. Elliot developed a system of 
laying down land to grass, dependent on little
      input but a complex mixture of deep-rooting pasture seeds. The 
pasture rotations would be broken after four to
      eight years, row crops grown until the humus levels declined to a 
threatening level, and then the field would be
      restored to grass/clover/herbal mixtures. There is a very interesting 
forward by Sir R. George Stapledon. PUBLIC

Ernle, Lord. English Farming Past and Present. Fifth Edition. London: 
Longmans, Green & Co., Ltd. 1936.

      THE classic of English Farming History. Helpful, among other things 
to understand the development of modern
      farming systems. Also great writing, in the class of Gibbon. PUBLIC 

Faulkner, Edward H. Plowman's Folly. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1943. 
Downloads as a single long file.

      Faulkner's book created a flurry of popular interest in alternatives 
to "scientific" agriculture. It is probably most
      important for what happened in American consciousness because of the 
interest it created rather than because of
      what the book says. OUT OF PRINT.

Fukuoka, M. One Straw Revolution.

      A most interesting book describing an unusual approach to farming. 
This book is not available through normal
      publishing channels in North America. Take a look at it here. If 
you'd like to find out how to obtain a copy of this
      title or of Fukuoka's Natural Way of Farming, click the link. 

Graham, Michael. Soil and Sense. London, Faber & Faber, 1941.

      Graham wrote before there was an understanding of the vital 
importances of both micorhizzal associations and
      production of phytamins by soil bacteria. But he still did a very 
good job of explaining the essences of sustainable
      holistic farming to the general public. This book can be considered a 
popularized companion to Elliot's Clifton
      Park System and may be valuable to gardeners seeking a better 
understanding of broad-acre farming. OUT OF

Henderson, George. Farmer's Progress: A Guide to Farming. London: Faber and 
Faber Limited, 1950.

      The writer, a very successful and sagacious livestock farmer with a 
facility for the literary, provides excellent
      advices to the young who may wish to enter farming as a life-work, 
instructions for the existing farmer that they
      might be more successful, and suggestions for the general public in 
that they might more wisely avoid interfering
      with the proper conduct of farming thorugh absurd bureaucratic 
regulation. Henderson was a crusty, enjoyable
      person well worthy of spending a few hour's time with. Downloads as a 
single PDF file of about 1.5 mb; if any
      client finds the PDF format unworkable for their PC please advise 
Steve Solomon, the librarian, and this valuable
      book will shortly be also offered in html format. OUT OF PRINT

Henderson, George. The Farming Ladder. London: Faber and Faber Limited, 1944.

      Henderson's first book, the story of his own youth and farming 
career. Contends that the farmer must also be a
      sagacious businessperson, personnel manager, etc., and provides 
sagely advice on how to so do. Great guide to
      creating a success as a farmer--or in any other business. Downloads 
as a single PDF file of 1.25 mb.

Hopkins, Cyril G. The Farm That Won't Wear Out. Champaign, Ill, 
self-published, 1913.

      Originally a series of four magazine articles appearing in The 
Country Gentleman, and later, responding to
      popular demand, published as a small book by the author himself. 
Explains in very few pages the way to achieve a
      permanent agriculture. PUBLIC DOMAIN

Hopkins, Cyril G. The Story of the Soil. Boston, Richard G. Badger, 1910.

      One of the best "made-simple" holistic soil manuals ever written, all 
wrapped up as a romance about a bright
      young man with a solid ag-school education, going out to buy a farm 
and falling in love. WARNING. This book
      expresses views on race that in its day were considered quite 
acceptable but in our day are viewed as quite
      incorrect, perhaps even shocking. Those who cannot view such 
expressions as "historical documents," should not
      read The Story of the Soil. PUBLIC DOMAIN

Hopkins, Donald P. Chemicals, Humus and the Soil. Brooklyn, NY: Chemical 
Publishing Company, 1948.

      Hopkins makes the point that chemical fertilizers are effective and 
positive to the degree that humus remains in
      the soil; that the real problem with chemicals has been with some who 
suggest that chemicals can replace
      farmyard manure.
          Hopkins takes on the Howardites point by point and demolishes 
many of their positions. The book's arguments
      are cogent and largely correct, though Hopkins "scientific" biases 
distort his objectivity in areas relating to human
      health. This book should by carefully read by anyone that considers 
themselves "organic." COPYRIGHTED, OUT OF

Howard, Sir Albert and Yeshwant D. Wad. The Waste Products Of Agriculture: 
Their Utilisation As Humus. London:
Oxford University Press, 1931.

      Howard's most important scientific publication, detailing the nature 
and practice of Indore composting. As I
      understand Australian copyright rules, this book is considered public 
domain material in Australia because the
      principal author has been deceased for over fifty years, but it may 
be illegal for anyone located in many countries
      outside of Australia to download this book.

Howard, Sir Albert. Farming And Gardening For Health Or Disease. London: 
Faber and Faber, 1945.

      This book is also known by the title it was given by Rodale--The Soil 
and Health. It chronicles Howard's story
      and outlines his complete understanding. Under Australian rules, this 
book is considered public domain material in
      Australia because the principal author has been deceased for over 
fifty years, but it may be illegal for anyone
      located in many countries outside of Australia to download this book.

Howard, Sir Albert. Miscellaneous Papers.

      Articles from periodicals by and about Sir Albert Howard. These have 
been supplied by numerous patrons and
      friends of the library. If you have any, or library access to any of 
Howard's agricultural journal articles (references
      to them can be found in his larger works) not yet available here, 
please contact Steve Solomon.

Howard, Sir Albert. An Agricultural Testament. London: Oxford University 
Press, 1943.

      Howard's first book aimed at the general public, again in print and 
available for purchase through the Rodale
      Institute. If you buy the book please tell Rodale Institute you saw 
it here first and our site led you to them. Under
      Australian copyright rules we are allowed to reproduce the book in 
its entirety, but out of courtesy and to support
      Rodale Institute's educational efforts, we offer here only the book's 
front matter plus one complete chapter, which
      you can read by clicking the link, above.

Howard, Louise E. The Earth's Green Carpet. Emmaus, PA: Rodale, 1947

      A poetic and concise statement of the beliefs behind the Organic 
Farming system. Helps to understand the spirit
      and passions of the early organicists as well as to better comprehend 
the entire cycle of soil fertility and the
      creation of a permanent agriculture and permanent civilization. Home 
gardeners reading this book (and the
      Howards' other books) should keep in mind that these books are 
primarily intended for farmers, and that what is
      recommended in these books may be a workable system of mixedfarming 
but without stronger stuff than average
      compost may not work so well when market gardening or 
vegetable-gardening is contemplated. OUT OF PRINT

Howard, Louise E. Sir Albert Howard in India. London: Faber & Faber, 1953.

      A thorough and scholarly review of Albert and Gabrielle Howard's 
scientific career encompassing all the scientific
      literature and journal articles that would otherwise be virtually 
unobtainable. Following the print-on-paper book's
      style, the extensive quotations from the Howards' other publications 
are in smaller type; the serious reader of this
      book is advised to reset their web browser program to display type a 
few point sizes larger. (Louise Howard was
      the sister of Gabrielle, and became Howard's second wife and ardent 
supporter after the death of Gabrielle.) OUT
      OF PRINT

von Liebig, Justus. Chemical Letters, 2nd corrected edition. London: Taylor 
and Walton, 1844.

      A few years after publication of the Chemical Letters, Liebig 
presented Chemistry and its applications to
      Agriculture and Physiology . It goes into much more detail about soil 
fertility, manures, etc.; eventually it is
      hoped to include this book too in Soil and Health Library. Our thanks 
to Peter Childs, for making this fine scan of
      the Chemical Letters available. Peter publishes Chemistry In Action, 
a chemistry magazine for secondary school
      teachers. PUBLIC DOMAIN

King, F.H. Farmers of Forty Centuries: or Traditional Agriculture in China, 
Korea and Japan. 1911.

      A famous classic in holistic agricultural literature. King was a 
masterful observer of farming; this is, if nothing else, a
      great travel book. In the interest of faster loading we have 
reproduced this book without its many illustrations.

Koepf, H. H., B. D. Petterson and W. Shaumann. Bio-Dynamic Agriculture: An 
Introduction. Spring Valley, NY:
Anthroposophic Press, 1976.

      A complete introduction to the history, philosophy, techniques, and 
benefits of the Bio-Dynamic school of farming
      and gardening, which has its origins in two of Germany's creative 
geniuses: Goethe and Rudolf Steiner. If you are
      not already familiar with the B-D approach, give this book a read. 
Bio-Dynamics lies somewhere between
      Fukuoka and Findhorn, between Perelandra and Indore's piles. If you 
already know about B-D, this book will
      undoubtedly provide fresh insight. The chapters seem a bit uneven in 
quality and cover a broad range of topics;
      feel free to jump around by using the table of contents. OUT OF PRINT.

Krasil'nikov, N.A. Soil Microorganisms and Higher Plants. Academy of 
Sciences of the USSR, Moscow 1958.
Translated in Israel by Dr. Y. Halperin. Printed in the USA by the 
Government Printing Office.

      This, the ultimate study of the microbial process in soil, is one of 
the most important books in the library. It has
      been little known since its publication. Rendering it into html took 
hundreds of tedious and rewarding hours. The
      book contains 100 photographic illustrations and heaps of tables, so 
downloading the chapters can be a bit time
      consuming. Here's my "take" on this book. In the Soviet Union of the 
30s, 40s and 50s, industrial production was
      scanty. Had Soviet agronomic research focused increasing yields 
through the use of chemicals, spread
      voluminously, the substances could not have been produced. So 
Krasil'nikov focused on the biological process,
      and he found ways to improve plant growth by crop rotation and the 
production of special composts and microbial
      ferments of the sort that could be produced by the farmer in an old 
barrel. All these "primitive" solutions are based
      on a very high-level understanding of the microbial process in soil 
and the interactions between soil microbes with
      each other, of how crop species interact with each other via 
long-lasting soil residues (root exudates), and how
      plants and microbes interact with each other. Soil Microorganisms and 
Higher Plants is public domain material.
      Anyone wishing to publish the book in print on paper is invited to 
contact this library. They will receive all possible
      assistance. Apologies in advance for the many errors that despite 
very careful proofreading must still be in the html
      text. PUBLIC DOMAIN

Lowdermilk, Walter C. Conquest of the Land Through Seven Thousand Years. 
Soil Conservation Service Misc. Pub. No.
32, February, 1948.

      A classic review of worldwide soil erosion. Many remarkable photos 
showing the ruins of what were once fertile,
      productive places that are now desert or semi-desert that can barely 
support struggling people--the remnants of
      what were once great, flourishing civilizations. PUBLIC DOMAIN

McDonald, Angus. Early American Soil Conservationists. Soil Conservation 
Service Misc. Pub. No. 449, October, 1941.

      During the Roosevelt administration, many uniquely-talented people 
worked to improve the United States through
      involvement with the Federal Government. In this short, well-written 
"book" you can meet the people who foresaw
      the catastrophe of soil erosion and foresaw how to solve it. And 
learn a few things about farming, past and
      present. PUBLIC DOMAIN

Oliver, George Sheffield. Friend Earthworm: Practical Application of a 
Lifetime Study of Habits of the Most Important
Animal in the World. Oceanside, California: Oliver's Earthworm Farm School, 

      One of the all-time classics on the earthworm. Many thanks to Keith 
Addison, creator of Journey To Forever, for
      doing this fine scan/OCR job.Other interesting ag-related documents 
can be found in Keith's online library. OUT OF

Rayner, M.C. Trees and Toadstools. London: Faber & Faber, 1945.

      The classic study of the relationships between tree roots and fungi. 
Rayner's work formed the basis of the
      organicist contention that supporting a complete and healthy 
population of soil microlife is essential to plant health.
      Thanks to Keith Addison, Creator of Journey to Forever, for doing a 
fine, accurate scan/OCR job on this classic
      book. Other interesting ag-related documents can be found on Keith's 
online library. OUT OF PRINT

Rodale, J.I. The Organic Front. Emmaus, Pennsylvania, Rodale Press, 1948.

      Tens of thousands were swept up by the intense enthusiasm of J.I. 
Rodale at the inception of the American organic
      gardening and farming movement. Almost immediately there developed 
intensely polarized antagonism between the
      innocent "organicist" and the technologically-proficient 
"chemicalist." Hostilities persisted at least into the 1980s
      and perhaps even longer. Of course, J.I. opposed strongly-vested 
interests, but still, a great deal of this conflict
      and misunderstanding may have been created by J.I. Rodale's own 
attitudes. The Organic Front will be very
      interesting to anyone seeking to understand the history and 
personalities involved in the organic gardening and
      farming movement. Most of this book probably consisted of articles in 
early issues of Organic Gardening
      Magazine. OUT OF PRINT

Rodale, J.I. Pay Dirt: Farming & Gardening With Composts. New York: 
Devin-Adair, 1946.

      Rodale Instutite has protested this library offering the entire text 
of this book saying they are soon bringing this title
      back into print. To assist them, even before they have done so, the 
entire text has been withdrawn, and only a
      small portion, such as is considered "fair use" is now being presented.

Sullivan, Preston. Sustainable Soil Management: Soil System Guide. 
Fayetteville, Arkansas, ATTRA.

      A very understandable introduction to soil science and soil 
management that will feel comfortable to holistic food
      crop growers. ATTRA is an effort of the US Department of Agriculture 
to assist alternative farming. PUBLIC DOMAIN

Turner, Newman. Fertility Farming. London: Faber and Faber, 1951.

      This excerpt consisting of Chapters 1-4, pages 17-45 is here to 
entice the reader to obtain and read the book.
      The intention of Soil and Health Library is that one day this entire 
worthy book will be available online. IN PRINT

Turner, Newman. Fertility Pastures: Herbal leys as the basis of soil 
fertility and animal health. London: Faber and Faber,

      This excerpt consisting of Chapters 1, 2 and 8, pages 17-33 and 79-83 
is offered here to entice the reader to
      obtain and read the entire book. The intention of Soil and Health 
Library is that one day this worthy book will be
      available online. IN PRINT

Turner, Newman. Herdsmanship. London: Faber and Faber Limited, 1952.

      Turner's simple remedy for most animal diseases will be of especial 
interest due to the recent problem in Europe
      with "foot and mouth" disease. This excerpt consisting of Chapters 2, 
13 and 14, pgs. 23-27, 142, 143, 146-160
      is offered here to entice the reader to obtain and read the entire 
book. The intention of Soil and Health Library is
      that one day this worthy book will be available online. IN PRINT

Voisin, André. Grass Tetany. London: Crosby Lockwood & Son Ltd.

      Understanding how soil imbalances produce this livestock disease 
illuminates aspects of human health and
      nutritional requirements as well. A mind-expanding study, as are all 
of Voisin's contributions. OUT OF PRINT.

Weaver, John E. and William Bruner. Root Development of Vegetable Crops. 
New York: McGraw Hill, 1927.

      The classic study, filled with species-by-species illustrations, each 
worth tens of thousands of words to someone
      who wants to grow vegetables better. PUBLIC DOMAIN BOOK.

Weaver, John E. Root Development of Field Crops. New York: McGraw Hill, 1926.

      It is difficult to restrain myself from praising this book with 
several hundred words that would be inappropriate in a
      "card catalog" such as this. However, Chapter I contains what may be 
the best basic soil's manual there is;
      Chapter III suggests magnificent realizations about how to grow 
plants with an awareness of their root activities
      and how that effects what one experiences above-ground. Anyone 
intending to grow plants well needs to study
      both of Weaver's books, especially the first portions of this one. Of 
interest to Organic growers will be Weaver's
      frequent citation of Albert Howard's researches in India. PUBLIC 

Widtsoe, John A. Dry Farming. New York: MacMillan, 1911.

      Between the paragraphs of this book one can see how farmer's lack of 
ethics and greed led them to ignore
      Widtsoe's warnings, making the Great Plains dust bowls inevitable. I 
also found the dry-gardening insights here to
      complete my own book Gardening Without Irrigation. There are lots of 
clues for someone seeking to reduce
      their dependence on the water pump and grow their own food strictly 
on natural rainfall. This rendition is
      somewhat abridged: the original had many unnecessary (decorative) 
illustrations and a few too many tables
      containing evidence to support Widtsoe's contentions that today seem 

Yeomans, P.A. The Keyline Plan. Sydney: P.A. Yeomans, 1954.

      After only three years of experimentation with the Keyline system, 
Yeomans self-published this, his first of several
      books. In the tradition of Louis Bromfield and Plowman's Folly, it is 
an eye-opening look at how to help land
      retain all the rainfall it receives, opening the whole soil body to 
root penetration and releasing the natural fertility of
      the land.This book became an agricultural best seller and sold out. 
It is still sought after by collectors. The book is
      offered here through the express permission of Allan Yeomans, who 
himself is writing a book offering a cure of
      global warming through better farming by increasing the carbon 
retained in the earth as humus. Allan Yeomans also
      runs a farm-implement company in Queensland; a pre-publication 
version of Allan Yeoman's book can be read
      and Allan and his farm implement company can be reached at through 
his website.

Yeomans, P.A. The Challenge of Landscape. Sydney: Keyline Publishing PTY, 
Ltd., 1958.

      This massive illustration-filled book is primarily a practical 
farming textbook focused on water conservation and
      small-scale dam construction and gravity-fed irrigation projects. 
Especially useful for practicing sustainable
      rainfall-dependent farming above the broad flood plain where water is 
always feast or famine. Made available here
      with the express permission of Allan Yeomans.

Yeomans, P.A. The City Forest: The Keyline Plan for the Human Environment 
Revolution. Sydney: Keyline Publishing,

      This is a tiny book of barely 100 small pages written in very 
compressed form, chock-a-block full of
      partially-developed insight. It should not be the first of Yeomans' 
books that a person reads, as having the
      background of his earlier works it will become more comprehensible. 
It is almost a utopian plan for human
      betterment, having as much or more to do with city planning and 
landscape architecture on a macro-scale as it
      does with farming. Made available here with the express permission of 
Allan Yeomans.

Why This Library

     Radical agriculture is a study of, and program for, handling the close 
connection between the health of the soil and the health
of those organisms that feed from that soil. Those "organisms" include 
human beings.
     Modern, industrial agriculture primarily focuses on the size and 
volume of the crop harvested (bulk yield), and the commercial
aspects of that production (profit). It tends to pay small attention to the 
nutritional content of the food we grow. Aside from
obsessive cancerfearmongering connected with pesticide residues in our 
food, popular consciousness pays far to little attention
to the mass degeneration resulting from eating the industrial food we grow. 
This degeneration includes a lot of human misery and
sickness, a greatly shortened lifespan and an enormously lowered level of 
civilization, because, simply, we don't live long enough
to get enough smart.
     As industrial agriculture began to prevail, certain far-sighted 
individuals asked worrisome questions about the wisdom of
managing farms for bulk yield and profit. Their concerns coalesced into 
various movements and "schools" including (but not
limited to) the "Organic" school and the "Biodynamic" school. And there 
were some mavericks whose understanding was so
unique, so independent and so non-dogmatic that it did not appeal to 
true-believing authoritarian mind sets like J.I. Rodale.
These remarkable individuals have been largely ignored by the mainstream 
that controls "alternative" thought today.
     The purpose of the Holistic Agriculture Library is to bring all these 
thinkers together into one place and to preserve this
     These wisdoms still have not been applied.

Further Essential Reading

An Annotated Bibliography of Readings
In the Intellectual History of Radical Agriculture
     This bibliography, coupled with those titles made available above, 
constitutes a curricula for an advanced degree in the
"intellectual history of radical agriculture." Anyone who studied all these 
titles and followed their bibliographies back as far as
seemed interesting could honestly award themselves a Ph.D. in the subject.
     The reader is welcome to make other suggestions or comments for 
addition. Where any of these titles are available in print,
the bibliography may tell you or directly link you to a source for 
purchase. Otherwise I recommend establishing a good
relationship with your interlibrary-loan librarian and also visiting 
ABExchange, whose admirable website is this planet's best
source of used books.
     It is the policy of the Soil and Health Library to not reproduce any 
book that is in print and not public domain. Doing this
would also violate U.S. copyright law. Additionally, there are numerous out 
of print books whose copyrights are held by jealous
and powerful interests who would not grant permission for offering an 
online free edition in a public library and additionally
would sue and harrass anyone who put them online. For this reason I cannot 
offer many of the titles that are essential to fully
understanding the relationship between agricultural systems and the 
consequent health of animals and people. However, these
are listed in this Annotated Bibliography.

An Agricultural Dictionary
     A light-hearted compilation of definitions derived from interesting 
source books connected with the intellectual history of
radical agriculture. The dictionary is still incomplete and could use quite 
a few contributions from others. Please feel free to
submit your own quotes and new terms. Public domain.

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