Fire-Maiz on the Mountain

Akiva Werbalowsky akivaw at
Mon Jan 17 09:11:17 PST 2000

I found these photos and following article of interest.

Guatemalan Volcano Now Firing Photos

Full story sobtre Maiz Nation from LA Times

Corn is more than Mexico's largest crop: It is the nation's dietary mainstay 
and symbol of life itself. Farmers' reluctance to give it up despite its 
punishing economics reflects the resistance of a deeply agrarian society to 
fast-moving change, and illustrates why
agriculture is one of the most intractable facets of globalization.

Corn's extraordinarily deep roots in Mexico--it was first cultivated 
here--also inflame the biotechnology debate. The possible introduction of 
bioengineered crops has farmers, environmentalists and academics fretting 
about the pollution of primeval corn varieties and the destruction of 5,000 
years of traditional farming practices in Mexico. Corn provided food stores 
for what archeologists believe were the first pre-Columbian metropolises.

Free Trade, Record Crops Depress Price

But the immediate source of grower Lara's vexation is more mundane: The 
price of corn is in the tank.
(more at website)

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