Sun, 09/27/2015 - 9:30am to 5:30pm


The Water Man of India

co-founder of Tamera's Peace Research Center

co-leader of Tamera's Global Love School

Hosted by

Gigi is a Council carrier and community activist, rites of passage guide and trainer, part of the core team for Walking Water, and a member of The Ojai Foundation's Elders' Council.  She has been deeply connected to TOF for 35 years.

We invite you to a special day to explore how we can meet severe water conditions such as the current drought in California in a manner that heals both the essential being of water as well as the essential being of community and love.  Understanding this connection, we can re-imagine how we relate to water and manage it accordingly.  Perceiving the essence of love and community is a must before we can create a sustainable culture of solidarity, trust and caring for our common resources.  There is a striking parallel to how we (mis)manage water and our (mis)understanding of love.  Both of them carry a healing impulse in their core which is urgently needed for humanity's survival.

Rajendra Singh, water specialist and Stockholm water prize awardee, has explored this field for decades, and has manifested real solutions to restore healthy water cycles, implementing these discoveries in India on a large scale. Similarly, Sabine Lichtenfels, co-founder of the research community Tamera in Portugal, has dedicated her life to restoring community at its deepest level, healing love through radical social experiments.  Sabine brings this force to her political activism.

Both Rajendra and Sabine, together with next-generation leader Ben von Mendelssohn of Tamera, describe the systems change from fear to trust which we are asked to manifest in all areas of our lives until a truly new culture emerges globally.  They will present their knowledge, engage in Q&A's, and open a space for exchange.   We will also walk the land and listen to the dream of water and community that it holds, supported by the visionary powers and experience of Sabine and Rajendra.

This day will be a benefit and we ask for some financial gift.  All donations will be shared between TOF and  the presenters to help cover their travel and time.  Please be as generous as you can, as we would like to gift all those so deeply committed the  care for this earth.

Find out more about Walking Water at

Pilgrims from Walking Water will be with us for this special day as well!