
In light of the recent oil spill, we think this film event has special meaning...

The film shares the extraordinary story of citizen activists in Northern California who initiated a movement that saved the lands north of San Francisco that were scheduled for massive development--- instead we got things like the Pt Reyes National Seashore & the Marin Agriculture Land Trust!

We want to honor all the organizations who helped preserve our own precious landscape through the decades...not just as open space, but as a functioning ecosystem we all rely on for life itself.

Joining us to table will be many preservation & conservation groups, including Urban Creeks Council, Gaviota Coast Conservancy, Naples Coalition, Environmental Defense Center, Blue Sky Sustainable Living Center, SB Water Guardians, Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Paul Relis, founding executive director of the CEC with his new book Out of the Wasteland, and others...

Hope you can join us!

Film Trailer: http://rebelsdocumentary.org/trailer/

Santa Barbara Permaculture Network invites community members, leaders, educators, students, and all who care about land preservation to attend and join the discussion about preservation of not only open space, but also agricultural lands in trust, urban community landtrusts, and how future generations can participate in preserving our own beautiful and unique landscape.

The free event takes place on Thursday, May 28, 6:30-8:30pm, at the downtown Santa Barbara Central Library, Faulkner Gallery,40 E. Anapamu St, 93101. No reservations are required.  More info: www.sbpermaculture.org, margie@sbpermaculture.org, 805-962-2571.

Hosted by: Santa Barbara Permaculture Network

Santa Babara Permaculture Network Logo  
(805) 962-2571
P.O. Box 92156, Santa Barbara, CA 93190

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