Sweetwater Collaborative is partnering with ARCSA to offer hands-on workshops that help to fulfill the requirements to become an "Accredited Professional".  Those who take the ARCSA course can then sign up for Sweetwater workshops as part of the reqjuirement to have hands-on experience in the field.  We will announce new workshop opportunities in future Sweetwater bulletins and on the so CA Permaculure listserv.
barbara wishingrad

Let's celebrate, that along with all our challenges, acts of kindness
in little and big ways are always happening on our shared planet ....

On Tuesday, June 10, 2014 7:54 AM, Wesley Roe and Santa Barbara Permaculture Network <lakinroe@silcom.com> wrote:

Rainwater Harvesting Workshop
From the American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association
Thurs, July 10 & Fri, Jul 11
Carrillo Recreation Center Meeting Room
100 East Carrillo St
Santa Barbara, CA, 93101
$395.00 Course Fee. 
If you want to become accredited, there is an additional $150.00  testing fee and $60.00 ARCSA membership.
For more workshop information, Contact Tim Pope 360-317-4192  or  water@interisland.net
ARCSA’s “Accredited Professional” (AP) Program is designed torecognize professionals in the industry who have achieved an advanced level of competence in designing and installing rainwater harvesting systems. Individuals who do not have the experience required to be an “Accredited Professional” will be assigned the title “Accredited Associate” until they submit information on five (5) systems they have designed and/or installed before being upgraded to “ACCREDITED Professional”.  Of these five systems, one may be a rainbarrel, one may be a passive  system, one must have a pumping system.  The last three systems must meet ARCSA/ASPE 63 guidelines for rainwater catchment systems.  A form of this document is the basis for the UPC code.  ARCSA’s Accredited Professional Workshop is open to the public and any industry professional pursuing greater understanding of rainwater harvesting. The workshop is required for those seeking ARCSA AP designation.
This two-day course provides an in-depth review of rainwater harvesting design and installation; outdoor and in-home rainwater use; residential and commercial systems; sanitation for potable uses; rules, regulations, guidelines and restrictions; business management; project planning; conveyance sizing; water budgeting;  site and installation safety; and system construction and maintenance.
Prerequisite: None to take the workshop. To receive the AP recognition the following are required:
1.    ARCSA Membership
2.    Completion of  the two-day AP Workshop
3.    Participation in the design and/or construction of five rainwater harvesting systems
4.    Application and Testing Fee
5.    Completion of  and a 70% passing score on the 100 question AP test
Registration: www.arcsa.org

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