TONIGHT Thurs Oct 3 - 5 -7 pm at Sojourner Restaurant Santa Barbara as part of 1st Thursday
Kevin Gleason teaches a year long Permaculture Design Course at Dos Pueblos High School and is an amazing painter/art teacher . He has written and beautifully illustrated his first book Wild Seeds that weaves Permaculture throughout come and see his art and buy a copy of his book
Wild Seeds
Authored by Kevin Gleason
This unconventional, illustrated poetry book would feel most at home camping out on the nature shelves. In fact, it would be most comfortable outdoors being passed around a campfire or resting in the shade of a ripe apricot tree. Through writing and art, this book explores themes of ecology, backpacking, mindfulness and permaculture with humor and a playful perspective. Scattered through the book are “Some Assembly Required” pages where, with some cutting and folding along the dotted lines, artworks and poems themselves become transformable animated creations.
Wild Seeds will offer insights and entertainment on different levels of understanding to audiences of all ages