We have Events Coming Up... Come Visit Us!

SOL Food and Avocados
Join us this Saturday, 9/28. at the SOL Food Festival from 10am-6pm. We will have an array of cheeses for you to try and to purchase, as well as farm fresh produce!
We will also be at the Avocado Festival the following weekend (10/4-10/6) with our new cheese cart! You can come find us in front of Pacific Health Foods on Linden Ave. for a yummy cheese snack as you enjoy the festival. 
Don't forget our Farm Stand, located 6 miles from the 101 on the Highway 150 between Carpinteria and Ojai (there are signs that alert you to when you are close!) will be open Friday through Sunday

If you haven't already picked up the Fall issue of Edible Santa Barbara, now's the time to pick one up! There's a wonderful article featuring our farm, creamery and family...
Enjoy our Local Food Culture,

The Casitas Valley Creamery and 
Regenerative Earth Family

Upcoming Events!
SOL Food Fest: 9/28 from 10am-6pm

Avocado Festival: all weekend 10/4-10/6

Where to Buy our Cheese:
Pacific Health Foods
Isabella Gourmet
Pierre Lafond Market
Farmer and the Cook
Rainbow Bridge
Ventura Meat Co.  

Casitas Valley Creamery | 805.649.8179 | ana@regenerativeearth.com |

From Our Family to Yours... Bring home local, artisanal cheeses today!
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This email was sent to wes@sbpermaculture.org by ana@regenerativeearth.com |  
Regenerative Earth Farms | PO Box 1247 | Carpinteria | CA | 93014