Parking is free on the West
Campus on Saturdays Campus Map:
Any gardener can be a positive
asset to the interconnected web of life
~ Christopher Shein
The event takes place at the Santa
Barbara City College West Campus, 800 Block of Cliff Drive, Santa
Barbara, CA, 93109. No reservations required. Parking
is free on the West Campus on Saturdays. For more info: (805)
962-2571, email:
n Saturday, July 13, Santa Barbara Permaculture Network
hosts a book signing event with author Christopher Shein and his newly
released book, The Vegetable Gardener's Guide to Permaculture,
as a fundraiser to support Santa Barbara City College students and
their online campaign to raise funds for a Permaculture Garden at
Santa Barbara City College (SBCC).
Inspired by an event earlier in the year at SBCC with Ryan Harb from the
University of Massachusetts Amherst, whose Permaculture Your
Campus garden project won national recognition with a Champions
of Change Award at the White House in 2012, students attending the
workshop decided they wanted to create something similar at
The proposed permaculture garden would be located in front of the SBCC
Culinary Arts Department. Both the SBCC Permaculture Design Course
class & the Projects in Sustainability class have already created
designs for the garden, with input from the Culinary Arts program, who
will use produce from the garden.
On a statewide booktour organized by Santa Barbara Permaculture Network,
Christopher Shein stops by SBCC to support the students & share
experiences of the permaculture garden & food forest at Merritt
Community College in Oakland, California, where he teaches.
Prior to creating his book, Christopher spent 20 years in the East Bay as
a garden designer applying permaculture design principals to build public
and private sustainable gardens and food forests with his landscape
business, Wildheart Gardens. With students, he founded the
Permaculture Demonstration Garden at Merritt College in Oakland 11 years
ago to show ideas for sustainable food gardens as applied in California's
dry summer climate. More than 700 students have helped create a
wildly productive food forest.
The Vegetable Gardener's Guide to Permaculture is an
inspiring, easy-to-follow, information packed guide that is designed to
help readers transform their home & community gardens into productive
food forests that will feed them for years to come.
Permaculture is an ancient, but cutting edge technology, that employs
design strategies that work with nature, instead of relying on back
breaking work, fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides. The
permaculture gardener uses methods that build healthy soil, smothers
weeds, and promotes plant life, while recycling waste products from the
The evening talk & book signing takes place on Saturday, July 13,
6:30-9pm at the Fe Bland/BC Forum, at the Santa Barbara City
College West Campus, in the 800 block of Cliff Drive, SB, 93109. $10,
no reservations required. Author signed books available for sale at
the event.
Sponsored by:
Santa Barbara Permaculture Network
Co-Sponsors: SBCC Center for Sustainability &
SBCC Environmental Horticulture Program
UMass Amherst Permaculture Initiative
(permaculture garden project that won White House Champions of Change
Merritt Community College:
Wildheart Gardens:
Go here to make a donation to the online Indiegogo "Build
a Permaculture Garden At Santa Barbara City College" fundraising
goal of the indiegogo campaign is $10,000, deadline, Mon July 22, 2013,
11:59pm PT:
(805) 962-2571
P.O. Box 92156, Santa Barbara, CA 93190
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