THIS Saturday … June 1st


9am to 12:30  – Volunteer Work-party

12noon to 1pm – Mesa Neighborhood Exchange


We’re finally getting around to doing the Spring Cleaning here at Mesa Harmony Garden. We need to do some serious tidying up, clearing out the trash and generally getting everything looking the way it should.

Judging by the last week or two, there’ll probably be some more harvesting of early fruit, and – you never know – we might find the odd weed or two to pull up…


As usual, we’ll have our work-party in the morning, and then host the Mesa Neighborhood Exchange… Please bring your surplus home-grown fruit and veggies to share, meet up with neighbors and support the Mesa Community's very own food forest to feed the hungry.


Flyer attached - please post wherever seems appropriate.


Thanks for all your support.



Hugh Kelly
Mesa Harmony Garden

a 501(c)3 private non-profit foundation