ITS NEXT WEEKEND … Saturday February 2nd 


9am to 12:30  – Volunteer Work-party

12noon to 1pm – Mesa Neighborhood Exchange


RAINWATER HARVESTING: Part 3 of a series…

Continuing with our BIG rainwater harvesting project… we really did get a lot of help on Martin Luther King Jr. Day when more than 40 volunteers from AmeriCorps came and worked hard all afternoon in the Garden: digging the bio-swale and the culverts to get rainwater off the parking lot and into the garden. Now the bio-swale is ready to plant….


As usual, we’ll have our work-party in the morning, and then host the Mesa Neighborhood Exchange… Please bring your surplus home-grown fruit and veggies to share, meet up with neighbors and support the Mesa Community's very own food forest to feed the hungry.


Flyer attached - please post wherever seems appropriate.


Thanks for all your support.



Hugh Kelly
Mesa Harmony Garden

a 501(c)3 private non-profit foundation