This is an opportunity for those that value the Guild, to come together and support the mission and future of this community!
In following up on Ann Crosby's email,
the Permaculture Guild of Santa Barbara is looking for folks to help set up/tear down the sbperm booth, donations to help cover the fee for the booth, a canopy or tent, a couple of tables and assorted items to help make the area inviting. 
Mike Vergeer has dropped off a small banner, along with handouts and sign up sheets used last year.  Any other ideas are welcome! 
We can set up our area Friday, 9/28, late afternoon -  so folks willing to join in are also invited to a pre-SOL party from 5:30 - 7:30pm. 
Please email me (  or Ann Crosby ( to volunteer or for further information:

On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 9:50 AM, Ann Crosby <> wrote:
We’re going to have a booth at the SOL Food Festival on September 29th

Fran Iba, Hugh Kelly and I are organizing it for the Permaculture Guild of Santa Barbara and we will need your support to make a success of this huge opportunity.  Our goal is to let our community know how Permaculture can help us all become self-sustaining in these uncertain times.

To bring Permaculture principles alive and help the community understand their practical potential, we want to offer “Free Permaculture Consultations” to any interested community member. These would be informal but focused conversations where we brainstorm the possibilities.  

In addition to a disclaimer about our responsibilities, each ‘client’ will complete a questionnaire which will be the basis for talking over the possibilities with them.  This form will also be our crib sheet - so we don't need to reinvent the wheel every time.  Most of the ideas we might want to talk about should already be on the sheet!

To all you graduates of the Permaculture Design Course (PDC) - we ask you to join the consulting teams at the Festival.  We plan to offer consultations all day in rotating teams of three or four people, bouncing ideas around together.  It will be great fun and extremely valuable to our community!  Please let me know if you can help out with this – I am organizing the roster for the day.

We will also need help with the booth – setting up, taking down, preparing informational materials and talking to festival goers about what is possible with Permaculture – please let Fran know that you can help (

We all understand that this is all about community building, and we need to be out there in our community because WE are the agents of change!  As Richard Heinberg (of Peak Oil fame) has said –

The quality of our lives will depend on the quality of our communities. If communal structures are strong we will be able to endure.  It is important that these structures be set in place before the onset of the crisis, which means -- starting to know your neighbors, setting up food banks and farmers’ markets, growing gardens, raising chickens, buying local, and more. It is the matrix of neighbors, family and friends that will provide our refuge and our opportunity to build anew.”

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