Are you looking to install green practices at your home, but need assistance?  The Santa Barbara Green Living Co-op can help you transform your landscape to conserve water and energy, grow food, and promote wildlife while saving money.  We are offering subsidies for hosting hands-on workshops at residential properties; homeowners and renters are both eligible. First priority will be given to those with financial need,, but all applicants will be considered.

Subsidies will be given for green features like rain gardens and rain catchment basins, plastic rainwater tanks and rain barrels, and for greywater systems that direct your laundry or bathroom sink or shower water to your landscape.


Subsidy application at

Please contact Barbara Wishingrad, Program Manager of the Co-op, or 805-403-4566 if you have questions.
"Talk is cheap...It is the way we organize and use our lives every day that tells what we believe in."
César Chávez