"Beauty has a function. Function has a beauty."
~ Permaculture teacher Larry Santoyo
"Best edible flowers for local permaculture gardens and food forests"
Permaculture Guild of Santa Barbara meeting - free discussion
Wednesday, May 16th at 7 pm
Watershed Resource Center, 2981 Cliff Drive, Santa Barbara
Why include flowers in our gardens and permaculture designs? So many reasons...
Most of us are familiar with the important role played by beneficial-insect-attracting blooms. We also love the enlivening and soul-warming beauty that flowers bring to any garden. But what about the wide variety of edible flowers that can stack functions by offering multiple yields in our guilds: beauty, insect and bird nectar, pollination-facilitation and delicious food for our tables?
This free presentation will recommend specific, delicious edible flowers for our area and we'll share tasty ways they can be used in salads, savory dishes, drinks and desserts.
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