See Twelve Great Proposals at the Showcase of Slow Money Northern California on June 12th

Conference Center at Fort Mason in San Francisco, on Sunday, June 12, 12-5pm
Registration is now open! (click here)
As a friend of Slow Money, you and a friend can register at a 50% discount! Use code SMNCA11LOC

Slow Money catalyzes investments in the local food system. Examples of investment proposals include:
     *       Strengthen the distribution from small farms into Bay Areas cities
      *       Build a facility for processing grass-fed meat locally
  *       Convert and protect regional farmland for organic farmers
       *       Provide healthy food alternatives for low income neighborhoods
The finalists have been selected 55 applicants from the San Francisco Bay and surrounding areas, based on their commitment to the Slow Money principles, relevance to the local food shed, economic viability, and scalability.
Brentwood Ag Land Trust and Marin Agricultural Land Trust
Capay Valley Farm Shop
Farmland LP
Frog Hollow Farm
Growing Youth Project (Alameda Point Collaborative)
Mandela Foods Cooperative
Marin Sun Farms
Pacific Coast Farmers' Market Association
People's Community Market
Planting Justice
Point Reyes Compost Company
Veritable Vegetable
On June 12th, these twelve entrepreneurs and food leaders will present their business plans before an expected 200+ audience of enlightened investors, food leaders, and environmentalists, as well as the interested public:
Featured speakers include Ari Derfel, Executive Director of the national Slow Money organization and Melanie Nutter, Director of the Department for the Environment of the City and County of San Francisco. Network with active investors, organizational leaders, local food exhibitors, and visionaries of local food systems.

About Slow Money

Thousands of Americans have begun affirming a new direction for the food system and the economy. It's called Slow Money.

Invest in building an economy based on principles of soil fertility, sense of place, care of the commons, and economic, cultural and biological diversity.
Slow Money provides a meaningful alternative to our current financial system that has run amok - trillions of dollars a day flowing through capital markets in securities that no one fully understands, contributing to systemic problems of our time.
What does Slow Money mean?
Investing in real places, in people and enterprises close to home.
Investing patiently, over time, with a goal of building healthy enterprises, communities and ecosystems, not just extracting financial wealth.
Measuring Return on Investment by the tangible world we create around us and the health of our soil, not just the profit we make.
Providing balance to the Fast Money we've been investing to maximize profit at all costs.