As an effort to promote local exchange and community, Santa Barbara Time Bank is hosting our first free potluck!

This is a dovetailing of the Permaculture, Slow Money, Locavore, and High Spirit realms. 

Please bring a potluck kit: dish, spork / foon, cup, hand towel and a food thing.

I'll be BBQing grass fed Tri Tip and pouring local Carr El Guapo wine from refillable bottles. 

No pressure to join - but check it out! or Facebook: Time Banks USA

Donations accepted as always, and if you do join, you'll get 2 TD$ ( Time Dollars ) . 

This is mostly about fun and introducing the 20 now - active members of the Santa Barbara Time Bank to everyone else. 

Come on by: 

1611 Olive near Arrellaga Downtown

Starts at 7 pm. Wrapping at 10. 


Johnny Sacko, Coordinator - Santa Barbara Time Bank