More and more backyard fruit trees, food forests and polyculture orchards are popping up all over Santa Barbara!
The Permaculture Guild of Santa Barbara will be holding two free events in May. Everyone is invited and we're especially eager for community members who are working on small or large food forests at home or for local organizations (Mesa Harmony Garden, Alpha Resource Center, Girls, Inc etc) to attend and share their experiences and questions.
1.  Saturday, May 14, 1- am - 1 pm:
        Tour of a local Backyard Food Forest. RSVP only - call Larry for directions at 451-4168.
2.  Wednesday, May 18, 7 pm - 8:45 pm at the Watershed Resource Center at Arroyo Burro Beach, 2981 Cliff Drive in Santa Barbara.
        Video and discussion: Permaculture Principles in a Polyculture Orchard. Australian permaculture teacher Anneke van Graaf compares a natural forest with a permaculture food forest, showing us how permaculture principles, derived from nature and imitating how nature works, can be applied in the orchard, the garden and our lives.
The three permaculture principles she explores are
At this meeting we'll also hear from folks who've attended the recent Southern California Permaculture Convergence in Malibu and other permaculture events. 
Looking forward to seeing you there,
Mike Vergeer and Larry Saltzman, Co-Chairs
Permaculture Guild of Santa Barbara
"...the greatest change we need to make is from consumption to production, even if on a small scale, in our own gardens. If only 10% of us do this, there is enough for everyone. Hence the futility of revolutionaries who have no gardens, who depend on the very system they attack, and who produce words and bullets, not food and shelter."
~ Bill Mollison, co-creator of the Permaculture concept