The New Rocket Oven Workshop
S t a r t t o f i n i s h
What: A start to finish workshop series that will teach you the mechanics of rockets stoves, basics of oven construction, cob building, and earthen plastering. We will complete the series by firing up the rocket oven and having a pizza party.
When: Series of 6 workshops starting Sat. Feb 19 - Sun. March 6. Pizza part and firing party on March 19 available for free to all students.
Sat. Feb. 19, 1:00 – 5:00 pm
Orientation and foundation prep.
Sunday Feb. 20, 10:00 – 5:00 pm
Foundation building and cob basics
Monday Feb. 21, 10:00 – 5:00 pm
Basic cob and stone construction
Saturday Feb. 26, 10:00 – 5:00 pm
Cob dome and steam insert
Sunday Feb. 27, 10:00 - 5 pm.
Rocket stove details and cob finishing
Sunday March 6, 10:00 – 5:00
Earth Plaster and installation or artistic details
Saturday March 19, 4 pm.
Rocket Oven Firing and Pizza Party - We will all make and bake our own pizzas in the new rocket oven!
Where: North Hollywood
Why: The latest in cob oven innovations with the challenge of building a CO2 free system using steam and the dynamic shapes in the exhaust flow. The goal is to gather data to use on future fireplaces, ovens, and retrofit existing to help keep our atmosphere clean. of a new way to burn wood that saves hardwood trees and burns only waste wood.
Who: Inventor Ray Cirino will put you on the path sustainability and fun times, with thirty six years of building and creating hands on products using the largest waste stream in the world, Cirino will give you the knowledge, skills and resources to build your oven start to finish and teach you a new way to construct your own rocket oven that that burns hotter faster, cleaner and uses less wood.
Entire workshop series, 6 sessions $200
Individual workshops $40 per day
Must RSVP to attend this workshop.
Please contact
Call: Ray 818-834-7074
Work trades and student scholarships available.