You are being sent this email, because at some time
during the past year, you attended a Ventura County Master Gardener sponsored
event or meeting, and indicated an interest in receiving information about
future Master Gardener events.
If you wish to expand your knowledge and understanding of
horticulture and gardening, and are interested in becoming a Ventura County
Master Gardener in 2011, this is to inform you that we are starting the process
of accepting applications for the training classes which will take place from
January 13th until May 26th 2011.
We are holding two Orientation Meetings to explain exactly
what the training class is about, and what your commitments will be.
These meetings will be held at the University of California Cooperative
Extension (UCCE) conference rooms located at
You MUST attend ONE of these meetings, at the
end of which application forms will be distributed to everyone wanting to
participate. All applicants will be interviewed because we receive more
applications than we can accept, and you will be able to sign up for an
interview at this meeting.
This is the only opportunity where application
forms can be obtained.
If you are interested in learning more about the program
and the training course, please send an email to Leah Haynes at
indicating which of the two meetings you wish to attend.
Happy Gardening!
Leah Haynes
UC Volunteer Coordinator
Master Gardener Program Coordinator
(805) 525-9293, extension 204