Hello Friends,

A month-long push to crowdfund Hands That Feed ended with incredible success,  We achieved 105% funding of our $15,000 target in 4 weeks! We want to thank everyone who shared and supported during this process.  This was truly a grassroots effort with donations coming from 216 people.

As a result, the telling of an important story is underway. Hands That Feed will impact both the rebuilding of Haiti, and whether or not Earth can feed 9 billion humans in the 21st century.

Making this film will be an extended and fascinating process, and we really want to stay in touch. Feel free to join our Facebook Page with one click, and follow us on Twitter with one click. Not to mention that our potential institutional sponsors want to see our "platform", so the number of followers is key. 

We also welcome hearing from anyone who wants to be a part of this story.  We are looking for academic advisers, private and non-profit sponsors, research interns, translators, and accomplished film-maker advisers.  If you are or know these people, please connect.

Thank you again for your help.  We are excited to deliver.

