EUPC10 and permaculture festival  Nethen - Belgium

August 17, 18 and 19th

Hello everybody,

We are very glad to meet you soon at EUPC10 in Nethen - Belgium.

The EUPC10 is designed this way : 17, 18 and 19th of August : the convergence for pc certificate holders followed by the Permafest' - permaculture festival open to everybody - we expect to host up to 800-1000 people. Hoping you will all stay for the 6 days !
The 3 first days of the convergence will be quiet intense - 1rst day presentations/discussions, 2nd day visits of projects and 3rd day workshops but all workshops/discussions can continue during the festival - a place/tent will be available for us.

Convergence :

You'll find the pre-program of EUPC10 - all comments, suggestions, propositions are welcome to design it together.

Here are a few propositions to design this convergence. We have all realised over the years (this is the 10th time) that it is difficult to gather permaculture people from all over Europe in one place at a certain time for various reasons. We would like to make this convergence inclusive and participatory. We therefore propose to start the dialogue among the participants before the actual meeting and possibly continue the work together afterwards. We also propose that online/offsite connections will be possible during the on site convergence, using skype. These propositions were suggested by Stella from Spain, founder of the Chaordic Institute. Practically we propose that if interested :

1* you may subscribe to the pre-convergence email group, by sending a blank email to

We will be able this way to start the dialogue, present ourselves, discuss the program and start the discussion

2* you may join the Chaordic Institute (open to all with a PDC) : 

3* you can read there the EUPC histories : 

4* a skype continuous conference could start right now, among the people going to the in site convergence and the people who will participate online 

>From a technical point of view, could you tell us if you are bringing your laptop + camera/microphone for skype ? 

Permafest' :

If you are staying for the Permafest - on 20, 21 and 22nd of August - we are inviting you to participate actively to the festival.

You are all very welcome to present your project or any permaculture presentation/workshop  you would like to do.

For this you can fill the participation paper on the site

The program of the festival is designed this way according to the petals of the permaculture flower of David Holmgren : sorry not yet in english ! - the idea is that the multiple aspects of permaculture be represented.

At the heart of the flower, we would like to have many presentations - possibly kind of continuously - of permaculture from 30 min to 2 hours as you like. We would very much appreciate that you participate in this project - in the language you prefer as the festival will be multilingual. If you have documents, information panels, posters, images you would like to share, please bring them - we are preparing an exhibition on permaculture.

The place of the festival has been choosed because the community of Grez-Doiceau/Nethen has initiated a process of transition. 

If some of you have experience in designing at a bioregional scale we would very much welcome a workshop on this notably to help transition projects.

We hope this late communication will not prevent you from coming.
See you soon

for EUPC10 team