Some great opportunites to get muddy, magical, and put your hands in the dirt!  There's still room in all of them...
-- May 28-30
Mud, Magic and Manifestation:  2nd Annual Women's Natural Building Workshop
With Starhawk and Sage Mata
Cazadero, California

Get down, get dirty and get covered in mud in the beautiful Cazadero Hills, for a magical weekend learning the ancient building skills of the ancestors.  We'll work with cob-sculpted clay, sand and straw, as well as light straw clay and natural plasters to learn practical skills we can use in building low-cost, low-carbon, beautiful structures.   We'll learn truly down-to-earth skills and share ritual celebration, empowering ourselves to create shelter and spaces, within and without.   And we'll support one another, as women, to be strong, creative, and empowered, to manifest our visions and make our dreams real.
Cost:  Sliding scale $250-$400 includes food and lodging
Some work trade available.
To register, contact: Sage

June 1  
Portland Oregon
Starhawk is speaking and leading a workshop and spiral dance as part of the 10th Annual Village Building Convergence!
Wednesday, June 2-Saturday June 5
Deep Earth Healing-4 day workshop
Chimayo, New Mexico
With Starhawk and Joel Glanzberg of Regenesis <>
In this four-day workshop combining earth-based spirituality, ritual, wilderness awareness, tracking and permaculture, we deepen our spiritual connection to the earth and sharpen our practical skills as earth healers.  Located in the Tewa community of Chimayo, we'll ask for permission and guidance from the elders to help us deepen our spiritual connection to the land.  We'll use the tools of nature awareness, ritual, meditation, and consciousness-shifting to
 help us learn to read a landscape, ally with its plants, animals and landforms, and hear its messages.  And we'll use the tools of permaculture, regenerative design and bioremediation in hands-on projects to heal and transform a site. Projects will help prepare for an encampment this summer to protest the expansion of nuclear weapons capabilities at Los Alamos.  The camp will demonstrate permaculture design and contribute resources to the local Tewa community.
Together, we'll find hope and inspiration to bring these skills into the actions that are needed in this time of global environmental crisis.  We'll share rituals and ceremonies to honor and share our deep links to the earth, to empower one another and infuse our work with the earth's own deep resilience.
Cost:  Sliding Scale $350--$550
Includes food and camping accommodations
Scholarships and work trade available for activists and local youth.
To register contact:  Grietje Laga  505-795-7272
July 3 - 17
near Bellingham, Washington
two-week course
Earth Activist Training, with a special emphasis on Social Permaculture
Two weeks that can change your life and change the world!
Co-taught by Starhawk and friends, with guest teacher Bill Aal of Tools for Change
A permaculture design certificate course with a grounding in earth-based spirituality, and a focus on organizing, activism, and social permaculture as well as urban and rural land-based systems. Learn how to heal soil and cleanse water, how to design human systems that mimic natural systems, using a minimum of energy and resources and creating real abundance and social justice. Explore the strategies and organizing tools we need to make our visions real, and the daily practice, magic and rituals that can sustain our spirits. Participatory, hands-on teaching with lots of ritual, games, projects, songs, and laughs along with an intensive curriculum in ecological design.
Through this two-week residential intensive's special focus on social permaculture, participants will learn ways to collaborate and build just and enduring alliances across social divides, how to structure groups with healthy dynamics and how to facilitate learning and decision making, as well as skills to build personal, interpersonal and community resilience to sustain themselves through hard times.   
Cost: $1400-$1800 sliding scale until April 1, after $1500-$1900. Work trade and scholarships available, apply early!
For more information and to register:
phone 800-381-7940 (USA), or email:earthactivisttraining[at]
July 25 - August 8
two-week course
Earth Activist Training
Co-taught by Starhawk and Charles Williams
Two weeks that can change your life and change the world!
A permaculture design certificate course with a grounding in earth-based spirituality, and a focus on organizing, activism, and social permaculture as well as urban and rural land-based systems. Learn how to heal soil and cleanse water, how to design human systems that mimic natural systems, using a minimum of energy and resources and creating real abundance and social justice. Explore the strategies and organizing tools we need to make our visions real, and the daily practice, magic and rituals that can sustain our spirits. Participatory, hands-on teaching with lots of ritual, games, projects, songs, and laughs along with an intensive curriculum in ecological design.   
Cost: $1400-$1800 sliding scale until April 15, after $1500-$1900.  Work trade and scholarships available, apply early! Childcare can be arranged for children over 3 at additional cost.
For more information and to register:
phone 800-381-7940 (USA), or email:earthactivisttraining[at]

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Starhawk is a lifelong activist in peace and global justice movements, a leader in the feminist and earth-based spirituality movements, author or coauthor of ten books, including The Spiral Dance, The Fifth Sacred Thing, Webs of Power: Notes from the Global Uprising, and her latest, The Earth Path. 

Starhawk's website is, and more of her writings and information on her schedule and activities can be found there.