Permaculture College Australia presents...

9-week internship Permaculture Practices : beyond the PDC
Autumn Internship Program:  April 16 - June 18, 2010  

These Internships are available to people who have already completed a PDC. Limited placements are available to join our on-going accredited training program at the beautiful Djanbung Gardens Campus for 9 weeks of permaculture practice and theory beyond the PDC.

Applied knowledge training will include:
ˇ     Basic botany, plant identification and plants in Permaculture
ˇ     Design for food security and year-round supply, small crop production
ˇ     Post-harvest preserving, fermentation and crop storage systems
ˇ     Food forests and orchards
ˇ     Integrated Pest and Weed management in permaculture
ˇ     Seed Saving and managing a Permaculture seed bank
ˇ     Water systems, waste-water treatment and composting toilets
ˇ     Soil Food Web and Compost Teas
*      Integrated Design Workshops
ˇ     Community development:  facilitation skills, promoting community programs, event management, communications and working with cultural diversity
ˇ     Field trips to established Permaculture properties and projects
Practical training and project work
ˇ     Participate in a wide range of activities relating to all the above topics
ˇ     Hands-on Work with a wide range of Permaculture systems
ˇ     Natural building, bamboo construction and appropriate technology projects
ˇ     Propagation, planting, harvesting and processing Permaculture crops: herbs, vegetables, spices, fruit trees, fodder, fuel and craft plants
ˇ     Learn to make Herbal ointments, oils and vinegars
ˇ     Soap-making and natural cleaning products
ˇ     Animal systems management and care: chickens, ducks, turkeys, pigs, wildlife habitat
ˇ     Team work organising the Annual June Open Day

Tutors and trainers from our faculty of experienced practitioners include: Robyn Francis, Janelle Schafer, Peter Hardwick, Michelle Taylor, Hogan Gleeson and others.

DJANBUNG GARDENS is one of permaculture's leading education centres, established 1993 by Robyn Francis, international Permaculture designer, educator and pioneer. Djanbung Gardens is the campus of Permaculture College Australia, non-profit provider of vocational training and community education in Permaculture, sustainable living and design, and building resilient communities. ('Djanbung', pronounced with a silent 'd' , means platypus in the local Wyabul dialect)

Campus Resources: interns enjoy full access to our campus resources including extensive reference library, wireless internet and other student facilities, communal kitchen and cob oven, as well as participating fully in our working Permaculture systems and lifestyle. We are just a short walk from Nimbin Village, a centre for alternative lifestyle and culture, and opportunities to participate in wider community activities and cultural events. Nimbin is located in the picturesque hinterland of the NSW north coast, surrounded by world-heritage subtropical rainforests, an hour from Byron Bay and magnificent beaches.

Living community arrangements
Interns live as a functioning learning community with our long-term residential APT (Accredited Permaculture Training) interns. The community of interns at Djanbung Gardens take responsibility for self-organisation within a set of guidelines for community living. Interns manage the communal kitty budget and roster to prepare communal meals, experiencing the complete garden-to-table experience.  Interns participate in the daily management of animal and production systems in the gardens.

Cost: $4000 AUD includes training, access to campus resources, on-site camping and contribution to communal kitty. Some accommodation may be available for extra cost - please enquire regarding accommodation options and availability. NB for miscellaneous Living Costs and additional food please allow a minimum of $100/week

Certification: Interns successfully completing the program will be awarded a Permaculture College Australia Certificate of Completion in Permaculture Practices.
Course includes 140 hours formal training plus minimum 160 hours action-based learning and project work

To reserve your place, please complete the registration form and pay $200 deposit to Permaculture College Australia.
Please read the student information on our website for refund policy and codes of practice.
Payment by Paypal can be arranged.

NEXT Permaculture Practices Internship: July 26 - Sept 23, 2010
This follows the Winter School Program 2-week intensive PDC Jul 3-16 and Advanced Design Skills course Jul 19-22. See website for details.
Permaculture College Australia inc
Pathways to sustainability through
Accredited Permaculture Training
Certificates III & IV and Diploma of Permaculture
PDC and short courses

Robyn Francis
International permaculture design and
sustainability consultant, educator & facilitator

Djanbung Gardens
Permaculture Education Centre & Demonstration Farm
PO Box 379 Nimbin NSW 2480
02-6689 1755  /  0429 147 138