Hi Linda -  ( and everyone) 

I've been reading your email with interest since I've been on Arashi for the past few months - my friend Tammy Burcar says you're very involved with most of the stuff I'm interested in...

I'm in the Santa Barbara Slow Money Alliance with Wes Roe  and Margie Bushman. That system is still birthing, but has vast potential nationally. 

I'd dearly love to make the meeting Thursday, but am conflicted with a long- running Consensus training class. 

This is part of my project to create a live - in intentional community here on the South Coast, somewhere from Carp to Hollister. Progress has been slow but steady. The concept name is 333 Ranch, for Triple Bottom Line. 

I've got a small core, and we're in the thick of agreements, legal structure, governance and of course finance. Another 40 or so folks have expressed varying levels of interest, from " let me know when my room's ready " to " where's the shovel? "

Please keep me posted on the next event - I really regret not being able to meet you at the circle on Thursday. 

Blessings and Light

Johnny Sacko

On Monday, March 01, 2010, at 05:22PM, <LBUZZELL@aol.com> wrote:
>Scpg mailing list
This Thursday evening, March 4th from 7 pm - 8:45 pm, the Permaculture Guild of Santa Barbara will hold a potluck and free meeting in the auditorium at Holy Cross Church on the Mesa, 1740 Cliff Drive, Santa Barbara -- 1 1/2 blocks east of the intersection of Cliff and Meigs, just past the Fire Station on the north side of the street.  Drive into the big Holy Cross parking lot and park at the back near the auditorium. Please bring food and/or drinks (non-alcoholic) to share and your own plate, cup, utensils and napkin!
From 7 pm - 7:20 we'll enjoy our potluck and conversation.  At 7:20 pm we'll start going around the circle with our "Talking Stick," brainstorming and sharing any ideas we have on how to navigate a very different economic future.  
  • How can we create income from local talents and resources that meet local needs in all the sectors of our community: food, health, land care, people care, shelter and more?
  • How can permaculture ethics and principles guide us toward a better economic future for our community? 
  • Since March is the 3rd month of the year, we'll pay special attention to permaculture's 3rd principle: "Obtain a Yield."
Please come and share your ideas, resources and needs!
Permaculture Guild of Santa Barbara steering committee
Ann, Jacob, Dinorah, Barbara, Larry and Linda