Hello Aaron,

I thought you might like to see/send out this URL, if it hasn't already made the rounds.

It was sent by a longtime friend in St. Petersburg, Vladimir Shestakov, who was tremendously supportive to my project Biointensive for Russia in its formative years. He will be in Berkeley in March and I'm going to invite him down here. He has been a progressive force in Russia since the Soviet days, and now is concentrating on small-scale ag and ecovillages; he's helping set up a visit from Sepp Holzer (in video) to Russia now. I'd like to hold an event if he does make it here, and would gladly partner with area Pc folks.

Very interesting indeed
В самом деле очень интересно


Carol Vesecky
Director, Biointensive for Russia
Mulberry Haven
913 Oso Rd.
805 640-1897