The Regenerative Design Institute is happy to announce an upcoming 1-day Ecology of Leadership workshop, co-sponsored by Santa Barbara City College, Continuing Education Division.

September 26, 9:00am – 5:30pm
Unitarian Society, 1535 Santa Barbara St, Santa Barbara, CA
Hosted by the Santa Barbara Community College
There is no charge for this event (Pre-registration recommended. See Reg. Details below)

Exploring the roots of the Great Turning
Weaving our new dream through the Ecology of Leadership and inner permaculture

Each one of us has the opportunity to play a unique and powerful role in this Great Turning of our time as we all hold the seeds of leadership and service within us. Ecology of Leadership (EOL) programs support you in germinating those seeds of possibility and in embarking on the journey towards creating a personal, community, and global garden that reflects your deepest knowing.

If you want to enliven your visions, gifts, and passions, compost old patterns, and develop powerfully effective tools, routines, and skills for your life and service path, the Ecology of Leadership may be a great fit for you.

Through experiential, community-based leadership development journeys, EOL blends inquiry and skill development, self-awareness, and deepened nature connection with principles of systems thinking and Permaculture.

With the support of a powerful and dynamic circle of leaders, you will explore leadership from the inside out, examine what holds you back, and begin envisioning and stepping into the possibilities you hold for yourself, your life, and your service path.

The RDI website has more information, details and testimonials.  While you’re there, check out the upcoming:

• The 5-month Ecology of Leadership Program - launching October 2009


Please register for this course through the Santa Barbara City College <>   website:
- Click on “Register for and view Continuing Ed classes”
- Click on the "search" link in the left column
- In the box for Course Number, enter 909224
- 2 choices will appear in the results
- Pick the one that is 909224 - 02 and has Unitarian Society as the location and click “add to cart”
- Registrants will be asked to “create a new student profile”
- Once you have completed that, make sure you “check out”


Christopher Kuntzsch & James Stark
Co-Directors, Ecology of Leadership Programs

Regenerative Design Institute <>  