our man needs our help x L

Begin forwarded message:

From: Ocean Robbins <ocean@yesworld.org>
Date: September 4, 2009 8:00:23 AM PDT
To: Ocean Robbins <ocean@yesworld.org>
Subject: Urgent call to action in support of Van Jones

Dear Friends,

Van Jones, a man whose life and work are committed to building a new green economy while generating jobs for some of the people who need them most, is under attack from the right wing attack machine. �For those of us who have been touched by Van's life and message, now is the time to stand up for him, for the green jobs agenda, and for President Obama.

Van is the special advisor on green jobs for the White House Council on Environmental Quality. �Now familiar, negative politics are being used to go after an African-American surrogate for Obama, Van Jones. �

It seems like a kind of high-tech witch hunt. �A rising African American visionary who works in the White House is being targeted with allegations that he�s a Communist. �In fact, he�s a best-selling author whose work, and role in the White House, are all about using capitalism to help people and the planet. �He�s been recognized by the World Economic Forum as a social entrepreneur, and his life is dedicated to creating private sector jobs that make the world a better place and improve America's energy security. �Glenn Beck, Fox News, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly are saying he�s a dangerous radical extremist. �In fact, he�s a kind, warm person who has built bridges across racial divides, class divides, and political divides. �Mr. Beck loves to mention the fact that Van Jones was arrested twice.� Again though, Beck never tells his audience that in neither case was Van Jones ever charged with any crime.� Furthermore,�Beck neglects to mention the fact that Van Jones actually won a lawsuit and monetary compensation based on the illegality of his arrest in one case.

Van Jones is someone worth defending. �And for those of us who know his courageous spirit, his loving heart, and his wisdom, now is the time to speak. �We are urging you to post on blogs, to send emails to lists, to contact or submit stories for media outlets, to comment on internet news articles, and to use any other mediums you have to tell the truth about Van Jones as you know him. �In the next few days, we can expect a continued roar of negative publicity, out-of-context quotes, half-truths presented as "fact", and the continued vilification of a man whose life and work have inspired millions with visions of a socially just, environmentally sustainable, and economically robust economy. �If you know the truth about Van, please help get the word out.

Feel free to forward this message widely, or to use any words in it that you find helpful if you wish to reach out to your own lists.

Yours for healthy people and a healthy planet,

John Robbins, author, Diet for a New America and founder of EarthSave International
Ocean Robbins, author, The Power of Partnership and founder of YES!

PS -- A few potentially useful links are here:

A former employer who knows Van well corrects the record

Thomas Friedman's New York Times article about Van's work and message

Van sharing his message on the Colbert Report (they call this a communist radical?)

Article exploring some of Glenn Beck's "facts" on Van Jones

Laura Whitney � Judy Gabriel
805.798.5231 � �jangelgabriel@gmail.com � � ��

"If there is any positive side to stark changes coming our way, it may be in the benefits of close communal relations, of having to really work intimately (and physically) with our neighbors, to be part of an enterprise that really matters and to be fully engaged in meaningful social enactments instead of being merely entertained to avoid boredom.

Years from now, when we hear singing at all, we will hear ourselves, and we will sing with our whole hearts."

"The Long Emergency", 2005, by James Howard Kunstler, Grove/Atlantic, Inc., publisher.