These courses feature people like Australian permaculturist Darren Doherty, Polyface Farms' Joel Salatin, water guru Brad Lancaster, Warren Brush of Quail Springs, Soil Biologist Dr. Elaine Ingram, and more...

October 19 - December 11, 2009

Bringing an all-star lineup of instructors, farmers, and scientists to the Santa Barbara area to share their experience and knowledge with fellow farmers, ranchers, business people, policy makers and citizens from around the region and nation.  

These professional trainings provide solutions for restoring climate health and revitalizing economies.  Diverse approaches are offered that integrate carbon sequestration, soil health and productivity, community and business development - utilizing innovative practices and technologies. 

Check out: the Website, the Video, the Press Release

Modules: Holistic Management, Soil Food Web, Broadacre Permaculture, BioChar Energy, Zero Emissions Research Initiatives (ZERI), Natural Building, & Pathways to Relocalization  

Facilitators:  Joel Salatin, Dr. Elaine Ingham, Gunter Pauli, Darren Doherty, Brad LancasterWarren Brush, Kirk Gadzia, Terry Gompert, Michael Smith, Justin Kirmse, Art Donnelly

Convened in Southern California by: Quail Springs Permaculture Farm and Orella Ranch

Partners:  Inviting organizations or individuals interested in sharing the series with their networks.  Course discounts are available for partners.  

Are you a Social/Eco Mission-Driven Business, Individual or Foundation seeking to invest in healthy communities, economies and a revitalized planet?  We invite sponsors interested in supporting key constituences to receive this training, or those interested in donating goods or services in-kind.  Sponsorships are tax-deductible.
Meet our current partners and sponsors!

Contact for interested partners or sponsors:  Kolmi Majumdar, 

Visit to learn more: