New Organic Gardening School in Silverlake!

Earth Matters Opens May 27th!!


      Thank you for taking the time to review this important announcement. Over the past couple of years I've had this idea about opening an OrganicGardeningSchool. It is finally coming to fruition and I want to share this information with you, your family, friends and associates. 
       Over  the past several months I have been working diligently with the owners of a fabulous property in Silverlake. It includes a private studio, in
The 7th Ray, where my first curriculum will include 8 Lectures and a 6 week Course. 
     The property owners have purchased an 8,500 SF virgin lot next to the residence, which will be developed into a self-sustaining, edible garden. These classes will enable the typical urban dweller to hone existing gardening skills and also acquire new ones.
    Below, please find more information about Lecture and Courses, etc.
About the Courses and Lectures
     You will discover an interesting series of 8 Lectures along with a full spectrum 6 week course titled "From The Ground Up". This is a progressive series of 6 classes that will teach you how to create a garden from soil to harvest. The Course meets every Wednesday evening from  6:30 to 8:30pm.

     In-class instruction and a hands on garden experience are both included.  

     Our 2 and 3 hour lecture series include the following :

· Children's Gardening/Saturday Classes
· The Reluctant Gardener  
· California Native Gardening
· Roses / Selection / Diseases / Organic Pest Control / Fertilizing/Pruning
· Fruit Trees/Berries, Orchards and Wild Hedgerows
· The Well Grown Tomato and Pepper
· The Herb Garden as Both Functional and Beautiful
· Composting and Vermi-culture Class and Lecture
    These lectures meet on Thursday evenings from 6:30 to  8:30pm and Saturday afternoons/early evenings. 
    You will find a complete schedule of dates/times and descriptions of our Courses and Lectures online at:
      All classes are taught from a truly organic perspective
and non-use of chemical pesticides. 
Earth Matters is the Education Division of The Woven Garden
John LyonsThank you for your time and consideration. Please call me at  888.341.9666 if you need any further information
John Lyons
Earth Matters
Register for four or more Lectures
and save 15%

Offer Valid for Spring/Summer 2009 Lectures only