Please pass this press release along to any press or friends who might be interested.
Contact: Linda Buzzell (805) 563-2089
On Tuesday evening, May 19th, Transition Town Santa Barbara will present “Four Steps Towards Transition,” an exploration of how local communities can change laws and ordinances so they don't hinder but ease and encourage the shift to a sustainable, resilient, locally-based way of life. The speaker is best-selling author and public affairs consultant Paul Edwards, J.D. The presentation will be held at the Karpeles Manuscript Library at 21 West Anapamu from 7 pm – 9 pm.


Edwards' presentation will cover four steps local communities need to make to recast local policy towards sustainability.  The steps are:


1. What’s in the Way of Transition?

2. Where to Start: Deciding What to Focus On

3. Step Three: Deciding Where to Invest Your Energy

4. Step Four: What Methods Do You Use?


Edwards will identify the major targets for reform and discuss underlying strategic approaches and key resistances to overcome. He will also describe tools such as strategic social marketing, ballot initiatives, and campaigns to elect slates of local officials.


Paul Edwards has worked with a wide range of corporate, governmental and non-profit organizations throughout his career. During the past four years, he has been instrumental in organizing and launching Let’s Live Local, a Transition Initiative in Pine Mountain Club, CA, now the 11th official US Transition Initiative. He has also completed Training for Transitions workshops as well as other sustainability training programs.


Paul’s consulting includes assistance with ballot initiatives and campaigns for electing slates of local officials with the vision to lead their community into a sustainable future. A fuller description of his services and background is on his web site at He is co-author, with his wife Sarah Edwards, of “Middle Class Lifeboat” and many other books.


Transition Town Santa Barbara was founded in the fall of 2008 to empower our community to squarely face the challenges of economic instability, climate change and resource depletion and to unleash the collective genius of our own people to create ways of transitioning to a thriving and resilient local community. Inspired by permaculture teacher Rob Hopkins’ book “The Transition Handbook: From Oil Dependency to Local Resilience,” there are now hundreds of Transition Initiatives around the world in many countries.


TTSB’s website is

