Transition Town Santa Barbara (
invites you to attend a

Pot Luck Picnic and discussion of how we can build community and a resilient local economy through Community Gardens and other efforts

Alameda Park (corner Garden and Sola)
Saturday, April 25, 2009, 12 – 2 PM

This month's Topic for Discussion:  "How Can Santa Barbara Create Community Gardens for Everyone Who Would Like to Grow Their Own Food?"

If you're interested in helping Santa Barbara transition into a truly sustainable and locally-resilient community, please join us this Saturday, April 25th for a Pot Luck picnic and discussion on how we can help build our local economy with Community Gardens and other community efforts. We'd love to hear your ideas!

Local community gardens activist Cerena Childress will speak to us about what's going on with Community Gardens in Santa Barbara.

Community Gardens are just one way that we can help Santa Barbara become more sustainable and resilient in this era of economic shocks, resource shortages and climate disruption. Last month we talked about the exciting Neighborhood Exchanges that are popping up all over town and this month we'll be doing creative brain-storming about how we can provide garden plots for everyone in SB who would like to grow their own food.

We'll hear from Cerena and then we'll break into small groups to talk about how community gardens relate to health, water, food, education, the economy, local history, city politics and much more! We believe that grassroots creativity can solve local problems!

Please bring some food and drink (no alcohol) to share, along with your own utensils, plates, napkins, cups and blankets to sit on.  (We're hoping for a "green," no-waste picnic!) Also, let's get into the spirit of neighborhood exchange (or what permaculture calls "share the surplus"), so feel free to bring anything else you’d like to share; such as plants, seeds, food, magazines, plants, music/CDs etc.

See you on Saturday!

The Seeds Committee of Transition Town Santa Barbara

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