Goleta Family School has added openings for the 2008/2009 school year.
Don't miss this opportunity to hear about our community's only "one room school-house for the 21st century."
What: Open House for prospective families for Goleta Family School
When: Thursday April 24 2008 6- 7: 30 p.m.
Where: Goleta Family School, Foothill School campus 711 Ribera Drive, Goleta Room 7
Contact: Kellie Butkiewicz at 967-9401 or
More Info: http://www.goletafamilyschool.org/page05.html
Goleta Family School is an alternative, tuition-free program offered by
the Goleta Union School District to families with children in
kindergarten through grade six.
Our curriculum is child-centered with an emphasis on creative
expression, independent thinking, and cooperative social skills. The
unique multi-graded setting allows the students to learn at their own
pace and enjoy ongoing cross-age tutoring.
Michelle Howard
Development Director
Wilderness Youth Project