Below is a great offer from Marshall Chrostowski. I hope someone in our community will adopt these publications, as they will surely be of great interest and usefulness here in the future.
Hi all,

I am having to move and this requires me disposing of many books and
other literature. I am not a subscriber to all the pertinent groups
within whom someone would benefit from free publications from the
Nitrogen  Fixing Tree Association (NFTA). The association focused on
tropical and subtropical n-f trees and other useful woody plants. The
association folded about a decade ago and the Winrock International
network picked up the work for a while under the report title "Forest,
Farmn and Community Tree Research Report (FACTRR). NAFTA also issued
leaflets on cultivation and uses of individual species. At the moment I
need to root out from storage the old materials.

These materials collectively are sure to be of value for permaculturists
and sustainable farmers/ranches. Please pass the word around. Curiosity
alone is qualification enough to acquire this treasure trove.

Marshall Chrostowski
