Hey everyone!
Blessings from the wet land of redwoods up the coast! As I'm writing this, the rain moved from a light drizzle to a heavy downpour which makes me so grateful to have a warm house to live in.
Many people have requested I give a heads up when I'm heading home -  whether to hang out or to setup a workshop or permaculture consultation. I'm planning a trip back Ventura for a visit on the first or second weekend of March. Very soon I'll know if it's the weekend of March 1st, or March 7/8.
There have been requests for another Essentials of Permaculture Course with design and project implementation. If you want to host such an event please contact me ASAP as this takes some planning.
As I'm making myself available for design and consultation, please spread the word to anyone who might be interested. Cost is $100 for a 1 hr. consultation that pays for itself quickly. This fee is waived if you choose to hire me for a detailed design or further mentoring services.
Feel free forward this on if you know anyone who's interested.
Devin Slavin

Devin Slavin
Regenerative Design & Education

What are you grateful for?