Dear friends,

We have a wish list of bare root fruit trees (below) that we're hoping to plant in the permaculture food forest at Alpha Resource Center, 4501 Cathedral Oaks, in January. Each tree will cost approximately $30.  If you'd like to "sponsor" or donate a tree, please contact Larry Saltzman at or Marisa Bourke at Alpha Resource Center at for information on how to make your tax-deductible donation to Alpha.  If you like, you may be able to honor someone with your donation, so this could be a great holiday gift with lasting value that will keep on giving to our community for many years to come! 

And if you'd like a tour of the garden at Alpha, please let us know...

For a more abundant Santa Barbara,

Linda Buzzell


Garden and Permaculture Food Forest



Creekside of greenhouse and shed, all along both buildings:

Approx 11 deciduous fruit trees (bushy, tall, to cool down greenhouse from western sun during summer)


  1. Blenheim apricot
  2. Gold Kist apricot
  3. Katy apricot
  4. Flavor Delight Aprium
  5. Beauty plum
  6. Burgundy plum
  7. Satsuma plum
  8. Plumcot
  9. Panamint nectarine
  10. Desert Dawn nectarine
  11. Desert Delight nectarine

 Citrus grove: 2 additional trees.

            Moro blood orange

            Valencia orange


Near fragrance/rose bed near front entrance: 2


            Right of entrance path:

                        Fruit tree(s):  weeping Santa Rosa plum or Double Delight nectarine or Red Baron peach


            Left of entrance path near far driveway:

                        Larger tree: coffee cake persimmon, loquat or Pettingill apple