1. Saturday October 18th The Santa Ynez Film Group and collaboration with W.E. Watch (women's environmental watch) present Flow, Official Sundance 2008 selection. 
2374 Alamo Pintado Ave.
Los Olivos, 93441
Doors open 6:45 p.m. 
Suggested donation is $5
contact Trish: crazymiles@earthlink.net

 With an unflinching focus on politics, pollution and human rights, FLOW: For Love of Water ensures that the precarious relationship between humanity and water can no longer be ignored. While specifics of locality and issue may differ, the message is the same; water, and our future as a species, is quickly drying up. Armed with a thirst for survival, people around the world are fighting for their birthright; unless we instigate change, we face a world in which only those that can pay for their water will survive. FLOW: For Love of Water, is a catalyst for people everywhere: the time has come to turn the tide and we can't wait any longer.

"The only tired I was, was tired of giving in."
Rosa Parks