Dear All,
Great news!
"The Transition Handbook: from oil dependency to local resilience", written by Rob Hopkins, Founder of the Transition Network is now available in the US. You can order it directly from Michael Weaver at Chelsea Green Publishing. List price is $24.95.
Bulk discounts are available: 20 copies cost $13.72 each, 50 copies or more cost 12.47.
Licensed retailers buying wholesale can get 50% discount on as few as 10 books.
"The book is a great guide for how we must live in a future world where the limits of nature are honored, but so are the basic comforts and joys of communities coming together in a great common cause. There is no more important book than this one for any community seeking change toward ecological sustainability." - Jerry Mander, founder/director of the International Forum on Globalization and author of In the Absence of the Sacred.
Happy Reading!
Best regards,
Transition Network - tackling peak oil and climate change together
Pamela A Gray, PhD
Trustee, Transition Network
77 Del Casa Drive
Mill Valley, CA 94941
Tel: 415 388 8812

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