Re: food riots around the world and the collapse of the global food system.
Raj Patel, the author of the new book "Stuffed & Starved," which addresses the collapse of the world food system, is interviewed today on Democracy Now.  To listen or watch, go to and go about 45 minutes into the program.  The second part of this interview will be broadcast later this week. 
The author connects all the dots: global climate change, oil prices, free trade agreements that discourage small, sustainable farming, the expense of petroleum-based (and toxic) pesticides and herbicides, the distances food is shipped, the rise in meat-eating in developing countries, the insanity of biofuels like ethanol which cause food prices to rise, the epidemics of obesity amid starvation, farmer suicides, etc. The issues of overpopulation and planetary overshoot haven't been mentioned yet, but perhaps in the next installment...

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