Hi all you gardeners, Farmers and ever one else
The foodshed I've been so luck to host, has been great.  We've been
exchanging friuts, veggies, seeds and plants you won't find at any grocrey
store or nursey(I'm joking).  There has been to much for me to list of what
gets traded.  I just know, I've been having a great time doing it.  Come on
by even if you don't have anything to bring.  JUST COME!  If you cann't
necessarily pick your own stuff but want to share come on over.It will be
again on Sunday March 4, 11am to 2pm.

We are between La Cumbra and Los Positas on the oppsite side of the
mountains.  From Los Positas go right on Modoc Rd,   take second left which
is Palermo, then second right is Catania Way, we're at the end on the left. 
  661 Catania Way S.B 93105

Scpg mailing list
Santa Barbara Permaculture Network
(805) 962-2571
P.O. Box 92156, Santa Barbara, CA 93190

"We are like trees, we must create new leaves, in new directions, in order to grow." - Anonymous