Wes, Margie et al

Please note that the topic of agricultuire will be taken up from 11:15-11:45 AM this Saturday sept 16.  There is general pulbic comment at 9:15 AM.  Each person will be given two minutes to speak.  If anyone has quastions or would like to see the section or the vision statement on agriculture please contact me at 689-3044 or email at ocarmona@cox.net.


From: Oscar Carmona, Goleta Valley Visioning Committee, 2nd Dist

RE:  Public Workshop
TO Anyone, especially those living in the second district, interested in voicing support for Local  Agriculture.

There is a public workshop scheduled for this Saturday, September 16 , 8:30 -4:30 at the Best Western on Calle Real (between Patterson and Fairview).  Its in a conference room there.  Watch for posted signs as you enter.   The Goleta Valley Visioning is a precursor to the GPAC which will set the framework for our community into the year 2020.  It is important to hear from the public as to thier position especially in regard to agriculture.  We are at a crossroads now with increasing pressure to build on our last remaining agriculture.  If you want to enjoy locally produced food now is tihe time to voice your support! 

Starting at 8:30 AM the public is invitied to go on record as supporting local ag.  If you want to view the ag portion of the document you can contact me either by email or phone 689-3044.  I will be happy to FAX you the AG section to take a look at.  This will allow you to direct comments specifically to that section of the document.  There are other areas of focus in the document of course ( housing, open space, traffic, etc.) and you may be moved to touch on those as well.

I keep mentioning that there is much local support for local ag in the second district and I believe I am right.  Having you come in to let the committee know for sure is much more potent.  Hope to see you there. 

Most sincerely
Oscar Carmona

Santa Barbara Permaculture Network
(805) 962-2571

"We are like trees, we must create new leaves, in new directions, in order to grow." - Anonymous