The Electrically-Powered Car
    t r u t h o u t | Programming Note

    Airdate: Friday, June 9, 2006, at 8:30 p.m. on PBS.
    (Check local listings at

The electrically-powered car - did auto and oil companies gang up to kill it? This time on NOW.

    Did car companies sabotage one of their most fuel efficient and environmentally-friendly products because it stood in the way of big profits? A new documentary by filmmaker Chris Paine charts the promising life and untimely death of the electric car, and lays blame at the door of some powerful suspects. On June 9, NOW sits down with Paine to look under the hood of America's automotive and oil industries and ask: who really pulled the plug on electric cars, and why? This time on NOW.

    Note: The NOW website at will provide follow-up coverage to the show starting Friday morning, June 9. Features will include a timeline of the electric car's rise and fall, a closer look at the new hybrids, expert perspectives about modern gas fuel alternatives, and practical tips to conserve fuel.