That's great, but I'm interested in communicating with practitioners
who are willing to share information and knowledge for free.

Does anyone know of an email list that is more geared toward people
sharing information?


On Sep 15, 2005, at 5:35 AM, wrote:

In a message dated 9/14/05 2:27:23 PM, writes:

How much are you charging for this information?


     That's an interesting way to put it.  We don't charge for information, but for training and for the effort to organize, order and put the information out.  I'll send the course preregistration package which includes the course fee table.  That will come by separate email.  FYI, we don't charge enough to cover costs most years.  You can monitor the 6 month course for $200 (the price of the CD) this year, but then you don't get to ask your own questions, just read the discussion with the participating students.

You can get answers free, eventually, with a fair chance of reliability if you are discriminating.  You just have to do the work yourself.  The reason I suggested our course was that you might also like to see how these matters fit into the larger picture.  You might also check our web page.  It is due to be upgraded soon, or maybe already, so if it is unresponsive try again in a few days.

For Mother Earth

Dan Hemenway