
A reminder about our gatherings and MicroVillage meeting in San Luis Obispo area.  On February 1 and again on February 8, we will continue our discussion of how to organize a MicroVillage group and see what EcoVillage ideas and interests we can share.

We are starting up a new series of Permaculture fundamental classes here in Los Osos on the first and second Saturdays of each month (beginning this coming weekend, February 1, 2003).

These classes will include theory and hands-on exercises in natural building and garden and landscape design. SPECIAL this spring... we'll be learning to make edible, medicinal and cosmetic products from our HomeEcosystem.

Please also note Permaculture Design Certificate Course schedule below.

Come learn and join the fun! please rsvp for directions

Larry Santoyo
check out my jewelry, fabrics & fetishes at <>



You are invited to attend our Permaculture Training Programs in Los Osos, Ca.
Please join in on any first and second Saturday of each month. Bring a bag lunch, and a friend!

February 1 and 8th training includes:
* Permaculture Theory & Design Process
* Design & Build Your Own HomeEcosystem
* Rare Fruits for the Central Coast
* MicroVillage Network
* Q&A

Familiar and rare food crops and medicinal plants will be available for sale or trade.

Training will include discussion, site tour, demonstrations and hands-on learning.

Video Presentations, Field Trips and special workshops will also be scheduled.

First Saturday and Second Saturday of every month. 10:30am to 12:30, followed by a lunch break (bring a bag lunch) and then an afternoon work party.

The fee for each class is:
$10 plus 1 hour of labor...(no one will be turned away!)
(EcoVillagers are invited free of charge Feb 1 & 8)
The classes are held on a beautiful 10 acre private retreat in Los Osos, Ca.  The training will be led by ecological land use planners,
Larry and Kathryn Santoyo, and special guest instructors.

RSVP for confirmation and directions   -Rain will cancel
Larry Santoyo

Coming Summer 03
San Luis Obispo, Ca
-Permaculture Design Intensive -Certificate Course
July 13-26.

Los Angeles, Ca
Urban Permaculture Design Certificate Course (weekend format)
August 9-10
August 16-17

August 30-31
September 6-7

September 20-21
September 27-28