hello everyone
        Blessing for a the New Year
Below we have the upcoming Monthly  Permaculture Meetings in Ojai and Santa Barbara.
Also at the Santa Barbara meeting we are hoping  there might be a short talk on a Permaculture Site in Costa Rica that some of our members just got back from a visit and a short stay
                        wes roe and margie bushman

Thurs. Jan 9  7pm Permaculture Discussion Group to Cover Permaculture Principles and Practises in Santa Barbara CA
Meeting at Sola House 312 E Sola St Santa Barbara Ca

Directions to called the Sola House is 312 E. Sola
St, cross street is Garden. It is a two story wooden house, olive green
with teal blue trim.

This will be the ongoing interactive meeting showing videos covering many parts of a lecture series on Permaculture Design by Bill Mollison one of the founders of Permaculture , audio tapes, other Permaculture Videos, slides and discussion each month. The meetings are free and open to folks who want to study and learn more about Permaculture..
wes roe lakinroe@silcom.com

The idea is to have meetings at member houses the second Thursday of each month This will allow us to see how to implement Permaculture Design at each meeting site plus see video's and together further develop our understandings of Permaculture Principles and Design.The meetings are free and open to folks who want to study and learn more about Permaculture..
The fourth Video of Bill Mollison's Co founder of Permaculture Series Pattern Application will be show and discussed.

So if you would like to have a future meeting at your house contact Margie Bushman sbpcnet@silcom.com 805-962-2571

Permaculture Discussion Group in Ojai Monthly Meeting OnGoing
Contact for monthly meetings Jodi Womack 805-646-4450 x2. Jodi@davidco.com and DorothyWallstein<dwallstein@uncommonconsulting.com>

Jan 16 Thursday 7pm Ecovillage Design and Urban Farms Lecture/Slide Show $3 Santa Barbara
Faulkner Gallery Santa Barbara Public Library Downtown
with Morag Gamble and Evan Raymond of Crystal Waters Permaculture Ecovillage Australia,
Contact Santa Barbara Permaculture Network 805-962-2572 sbpcnet@silcom.com

Jan 17 2003 Friday Evening Ecovillage Design Lecture/Slide Show SLO
San Luis Obispo Public Library Downtown 7pm donation $3
with Morag Gamble and Evan Raymond of Crystal Waters Permaculture Ecovillage Australia,
Ecovillage Design is a new and innovative field of design that is emerging to address our current environmental and social crises in a holistic, integrated and positive way, providing sustainable and long-term solutions. Check out their website at http://www.permaculture.au.com for info on Crystal Water and the Global Ecovillage Movement.
Cosponspored by Santa Barbara Permaculture Network , hopedance Magazine and Earthflow Design,
Contact Santa Barbara Permaculture Network 805-962-2572 sbpcnet@silcom.com

Jan 18,19 2003 Two Day Ecovillage Design Course with with Morag Gamble and Evan Raymond of Crystal Waters Ecovillage Australia, and Larry Santoyo of Earthflow Design in Santa Barbara Ca
Location  Santa Barbara and cost to be announced
Ecovillages are designed with ecology in mind and encourage people who live in and visit them to develop an understanding of the interconnectedness of the natural world- to create beneficial relationships between the ecological, social, economic and spiritual aspects of their lives. The aim is to engage people fully with their head, heart and hands.
This workshop on Ecovillage Design will cover a discussion of the Worldwide Ecovillage Network www.gaia.org and how the Network help folks who want to form an Ecovillage. What does it take to form an Ecovillage and how to form one in your community the tools are needed? How Permaculture Design Principles are used in Ecovillage design? How do Ecovillages integrate people in a positive ways into their environment and community? What forms do Ecovillages take ?
Larry Santoyo Will Discuss the idea of Microvillages in our community an idea he has been forming over the years here
Contact Santa Barbara Permaculture Network 805-962-2571 sbpcnet@silcom
Cosponspored by Santa Barbara Permaculture Network , hopedance Magazine and Earthflow Design,