hi everyone
        The Santa Barbara Permaculture Study Group is starting again.The idea is to have meetings at member houses the second Thursday of each month. This will allow us to see how to implement Permaculture Design at each meeting site plus see video's and  together further develop  our understandings of Permaculture Principles and Design.The meetings are free and open to folks who want to study and learn more about Permaculture.
        So if you would like to have a meeting at your house contact Margie Bushman sbpcnet@silcom.com 805-962-2571
        The meeting we be Thursday Mar 14 at 7pm. Please Contact Margie Bushman or Betsy for addess of meeting place

        The first meeting will take place at Betsy Gallery's House on East Side of Santa Barbara. Betsy organized a Permaculture Workshop with Permaculture Designer/Teacher Larry Santoyo at her house in Jan and received a great writeup in the NewPress on the Jan 17 called Permacultural Revolution.  the workshop built two beautiful Herb Spirals in her Backyard. She is planning more Workshops in Mar/Apr/May 2002 with Larry Santoyo. Betsy Gallery contact bgallery@cox.net

Permaculture Discussion Group to Cover Permaculture Principles and Practises in Santa Barbara CA
This will be an interactive meeting showing video covering many parts of a lecture series on Permaculture Design by Bill Mollison one of the founders of Permaculture , audio tapes, other Permaculture Videos, slides and discussion each month.
For more info and directions contact Margie Bushman 962-2571 or email sbpcnet@silcom.com.We will be setting up meeting again in March 2002 we promise