You are invited to attend our Permaculture Training Programs.
Please join in on any first and second Saturday of the month, beginning
Jan 5th.
January training includes:
* Winter gardening "to-do list"
* How to select and care for bare root trees, shrubs and vines.
* Pruning demonstration and Q and A
* Plant and seed exchange
* DOOR PRIZES and more
Bring seeds and plants to exchange, bag lunch, and a friend!
Familiar and rare food plants will also be available for sale or
Training will include discussion, demonstration and hands-on
Video Presentations and Field Trips will be announced.
Other topics include:
Garden Layout and Construction, Patterning, Reading the Landscape,
Alternative Building Techniques -sand bag root cellar, Grey Water System
Design and Construction, Market Gardening, Plant Propagation, Food
Forests, Herbal Preparations, Using Bamboo, Subtropical Fruit for SLO,
Plant and Seed Exchange, Art in the Garden, and a SPECIAL PRESENTATION
"Permaculture EcoVillages and Community Development"
First Saturday of every month, beginning January 5
-Garden tour and Permaculture Fundamentals Class 10 am-12 noon,
afternoon work party. These classes are FREE to first time
Second Saturday of every month, beginning January 12
-Continuing and Advanced Permaculture Class 10 am-12 noon, afternoon
work party
The classes on the first sat are designed for everyone interested in
permaculture from beginner to advanced levels... The second sat is for
continuing and more advanced students (there will be less basic info
discussed) -beginners are still welcome!
All Sat classes will be 10am to 12noon, followed by a lunch break and
then an hour of hands-on learning.
The fee for each class is:
[$10 plus 1 hour of labor] or [$20 worth of trade].
(no one will be turned away!)
The classes are held on a beautiful 10 acre private retreat in Los
Osos, Ca.
The training will be led by ecological land use planners,
Larry and Kathryn Santoyo, and special guest instructors.
RSVP for confirmation and directions ***** -Rain will
cancel- *****
Larry Santoyo